A new report finds that states that engaged in widespread shutdowns of school did not see any reduction in child deaths from COVID during the scamdemic.
We are seeing more data than ever that proves that the draconian lockdowns had absolutely no effect in reducing the number of COVID deaths, and now we see the same is true for school shutdowns.
From the Daily Wire: “States that engaged in prolonged school closures didn’t seem to have fewer children die with COVID than those who kept schools open, a Daily Wire analysis of new federal data shows.”
Anyone with an ounce of sense could have told you that.
The Wire continues:
The District of Columbia had the highest number of children who died with coronavirus per capita (12 deaths equating to 95 deaths per million children), even though its schools were almost completely closed for the 2020-2021 school year, with its school coronavirus policies arguably the most draconian in the nation. Wyoming, which has a nearly identical population size to D.C. and whose schools remained open more than any other state, had the fewest deaths per capita (zero).
Wyoming was one of only three states that, by May 2020, had not ordered schools closed for the remainder of the 2019-20 year. By contrast, very few D.C. students attended a significant number of hours of in-person learning even in the following school year, and D.C. pledged to prohibit students from returning to school this year unless they had been vaccinated, though it ultimately delayed that requirement.
Across the country, COVID was a negligible cause of child mortality, the data shows: For every child that died with COVID, nearly 50 died for other reasons.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provisional COVID deaths data for children under 18 underscore the apparent policy blunder of Democrat-controlled areas that not only deprived children of learning, but also seemed to fail to achieve their goals when it came to mortality. Test scores released last month showed the ruinous and lasting effect of the closures on children’s reading and math skills.
Of course, there was no reason whatever to shut down the schools. Even when this foolishness was ongoing, doctors and scientists were saying kids had very little chance of catching COVID or losing their lives from it.
It was all just a ploy for power by the government and their handmaids in the anti-education teachers unions.
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