The envirowacko left has been caught lying again. Remember how they have been telling us for at least a decade that millions of times of plastic is being dumped into the ocean every year? Yeah, the real amount isn’t even close to that.
Leftist greenies have been claiming that more than eight million tons of plastic is being thrown into the ocean every year. Eight million tons.
That is a lot of plastic. And it would be very bad if it were true.
But apparently it isn’t true. Not. by a long shot.
A new study is saying that the real amount of plastic going into the ocean only 1/16th the amount of that eight million tons.
It turns out it is only 500,000 tons.
There’s less plastic pollution flowing into the ocean from land than scientists previously thought, according to a study published Monday in the journal Nature Geoscience.
The researchers estimated that about 500,000 metric tons of plastic end up in the ocean each year, with about half from land. The other half comes from the fishing industry in the form of nets, ropes, buoys and other equipment.
An earlier, widely publicized study in 2015 estimated that about eight million metric tons of plastic were entering the ocean each year from rivers alone. The new research might seem like good news, but the full picture is complicated: The amount of plastic in the ocean is still increasing by about 4 percent every year, according to the study.
This isn’t good, granted.
We don’t want any discarded plastic going into the ocean.
But, once again what we find out here os that the enviro Nazis are liars and they insist on making everything sound many times worse than it is.
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