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By Jack Davis,

A lawsuit from Ray Epps, a shadowy figure at the edge of multiple theories concerning the Capitol incursion, says he has been charged by the Department of Justice more than two years after the events of Jan. 6, 2021.

The claim is contained in a defamation lawsuit Epps filed against Fox News. In the lawsuit, Epps blames former Fox News host Tucker Carlson for having the spotlight thrust upon him, leading to threats from Trump supporters and, eventually, charges against him.

Epps was a highly visible figure in multiple videos from the incursion. Epps was originally among those pictured on an FBI wanted notice in the days immediately after Jan. 6 but was removed from the list in July 2021. Speculation ran rampant that because he was not charged, Epps was a federal agent whipping up the emotions of protesters.

In a “60 Minutes” interview in April, Epps said he cooperated with the FBI and told his story. At that time, he had not been charged with any crime.

However, the lawsuit said everything soon changed.

“Finally, in May 2023, the Department of Justice notified Epps that it would seek to charge him criminally for events on Jan. 6, 2021 — two-and-a-half years later. The relentless attacks by Fox and Mr. Carlson and the resulting political pressure likely resulted in the criminal charges,” the lawsuit said.

The lawsuit did not say what those charges would be. As of Thursday, Epps was not listed in those charged in federal court in Washington, D.C., related to the incursion.

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“Although it is difficult to believe that the Department of Justice would have pursued this matter if Fox had not focused its lies on Epps, ultimately the criminal charges conclusively demonstrate the falsehood of the story that Mr. Carlson and Fox told about Epps,” the lawsuit said.

“Epps was not a federal agent. He was a loyal Fox viewer and Trump supporter. Had the Department of Justice charged Epps in 2021, Mr. Carlson would have hailed Epps a hero. Instead, Fox and Mr. Carlson made Epps the central figure in a lie they concocted about Jan. 6, 2021. After destroying Epps’s reputation and livelihood, Fox will move on to its next story, while Ray and Robyn live in a 350-square foot RV and face harassment and fear true harm. Fox must be held accountable,” the lawsuit said.

On Wednesday, FBI Director Christopher Wray told the House Judiciary Committee he had no knowledge of Epps being a “secret government agent,” according to the Arizona Republic.

“I will say this notion that somehow the violence at the Capitol on January 6 was part of some operation orchestrated by FBI sources and agents is ludicrous,” he said.

Epps also came up when Republican Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas questioned Wray, according to the Daily Wire.

Nehls noted there was little difference between the actions of Epps and others who were arrested.

“Now look into the camera, sir, when you answer my next question,” Nehls said. “Are you going to arrest Mr. Epps, yes or no?”

“I’m not going to engage here in a discussion about individual people who are or are not going to be prosecuted,” Wray said.

“You can see him. I almost think he’s inciting a riot,” Nehls said, adding, “There’s a lot of cloud over this.”

“My point is this,” Nehls said. “You arrested a lot of folks for unlawful activity. You just saw the video, and I will tell you, Mr. Wray, if you don’t arrest Mr. Epps, there’s a reason behind it. I believe you know what it is, and it appears to me you are protecting this guy. I strongly recommend you get your house back in order.”

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.


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