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Editorial credit: Linda Moon /

When you utilize the method of thinking called rationalism you begin with a statement you want to endorse and come hell or high water you cling to that in spite of evidence to the contrary or facts that contradict your view. For instance, suppose you are told that if you don’t believe in Santa Claus , you won’t get any presents. You accept this and then you listen to your cohorts telling you there is no Santa Claus and you tell them you hate them and they are stupid and no matter was they say , Santa Claus is real. What you are doing is rationalizing your core belief that you won’’t get any presents if you don’t believe in Santa Claus.

It doesn’t matter that there is no evidence of a Santa Claus because to you presents are more important than truth to you. You are focusing on the moment you awake and there are no presents in your name and the feeling of disappointment which you endure because you denied what you were certain was so.

But you weren’t certain , you were only experiencing a feeling that you didn’t want to experience ( in this case disappointment) and that feeling motivated you to denounce anyone that challenged your feeling.

Now consider how a Trump hater mentally operates. He or she first of all didn’t expect him to be electable and were surprised when he was. This was the moment they decided they didn’t like him. They didn’t consider his past accomplishments, the endorsement of his employees and friends, his ideas and his methods. They just knew they hated him and sought out like minded persons to verify their easily formed feelings. They then turned to calling him a liar, a racist and everything bad they could think of to justify their unexamined hatred.

Every Trump supporter knows that when they are attacked by a Trump hater they are called names, attempts at intimidation are tossed at them and nothing is offered as an alternative ( except removal from office ). There is no acknowledgement of his achievements in or out of office and there is no message of consideration of “let him do his job”. Just blind hate and rejection without evidence, without a concern for justice, and without a well thought out positive alternative.

This is what utilizing the bogus method of thinking called rationalism accomplishes . A mind that must make everything fit with the underlying core belief whether there are facts that contradict it or evidence that proves the hatred is unfounded. It is a frustrating method in that if you are trying to make a case for your misguided feelings words that substantiate it are not consonant with reality and only attempts at intimidation and demeaning name calling is all that can be conjured up. From this rationalization cannot come a platform of any reasonable ideas, only frustration and ever growing hate.

Why do you think there is no new and likable candidates coming forward for the 2020 campaign for the Democratic nomination for President? Could it be because the vindictiveness against Trump is the central focus instead of promoting an agenda that will appeal to voters? Could it be that trying to placate the Trump haters in the Democratic Party has a greater priority than developing an acceptable platform? Could it be that ideas that American voters will accept would require accepting some of Trump’s ideas and the Democrats cannot run on what they have run against? Blinded by rationalism they are wandering in a fog without a plan, a hope or a platform.

They won’t change. They are fueling their hatred and will never accept anything Trump accomplishes . This means they will drift further and further left feeling they have no other choice. Bernie’s appearance confirms this.

America is not ready for Socialism and hopefully it will never be. The Democrats know this but they cannot renounce their method of thinking and that only leaves them with a mindless drift into collectivism which is ideologically dead. So they cling to muddle-headed leaders and dream of the old days when they had something they could offer that sounded acceptable ( but was unworkable ). Those days are gone. America has awakened and realized the crooks enforcing legalized stealing and ever growing controls are no longer to be trusted and revered. Those posing as Santa Claus have been found to be frauds and a man who wasn’t a politician showed them for what they really are. For this they hate him and cannot find their way.

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