In light of white supremacists and black lives matter groups converging on Murfreesboro, TN and Shelbyville, TN ,on October 28th, 2017, one must note that Racism cuts across all segments of society.
In June, hundreds of illegal aliens tried to ban U.S. citizens from a city council meeting in Cudahy, CA. Shouts of “white supremacists back to Europe” were fired across the halls and outside.
In an August 2013 New Black Panther Broadcast, Samir Shabbaz said, “You’re going to have to kill some of these babies, just born three seconds ago … go into the God damn nursery … and just kill everything white in sight …“. His hate-filled rant called for bombing white churches and “[burning] up some cracker white supremacy”, if blacks wanted to be free.
In January 2017, a Black Lives Matter activist in Seattle, a preschool teacher, calling for reparations and the confiscation of white property, said, “We need to start killing people … F**k white supremacy, f**k the U.S. empire“. And then on Flag Day, we were horrified to witness a Bernie Sanders Leftist gun down Representative Steve Scalise (R) and Matt Mitka, along with Capitol Police Officer Crystal Griner
Charlottesville Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy is a black supremacist racist and a member of the New Black Panthers, who tweeted, “I don’t like whit[e] people so I hate snow” on December 20th 2009, and “I hate seeing white people in Orangeburg“, on February 13th 2011.
One cannot ascribe varying degrees of blame to the radical groups in Charlottesville or Murfreesboro or Shelbyville, or anywhere else in the country, where they rear their ugly heads. The Neo-Nazis’s venomous racism is no more or less contemptible than Antifa and BLM’s belief that offensive speech, other than their own, must be banned at any cost, as they endeavor to destroy our republic. These young fascists and communists have far more in common with each other, than they do with decent conservative and classical liberal thinkers and patriotic Americans, which is always true of violent radicals and totalitarian minded petty tyrants.
These protesters do not want an honest discussion on race relations and initiatives and solutions that diminish racist attitudes, leading by example and teaching all America the importance of one’s good character. They do not seek “social justice”; they want numerous unreasonable demands to be met and victory for their authoritarian and intolerant ideology, and racism is the excuse they use to tear apart the system.
If we are to survive as a republic, we must condemn the violence and evil philosophy of those members of the Neo-Nazi and KKK groups; we must condemn the violence of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, and Laraza and their communist ideology. We must also stop allowing the mainstream media to falsely label all conservatives as bigots and racists and all left wing activists as moral crusaders. Otherwise, with our honesty as a society in question at the moment, America will soon cease being a free society.
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