The recent decision by special counsel Robert Mueller to hand off information to another prosecutor about the activities of those in Trump World is proof positive that the entire investigation is a farce.
Mueller has been unable to connect the Trump team with any actual crime, nor has he discovered any collusion with Russia, and so he has now moved on to other affairs in an effort to bring Trump down.
From Fox News’ Sean Hannity Show:
Sean Hannity: You said where are American civil libertarians because it is such a violation.
I want to ask you this question because I think it is important… What we see the prosecutor doing here is because there is no evidence of collusion they seem to be trying to goad the president. He does have the right to fire Mueller, that’s established. But it seems like they want to precipitate some type of crisis because they found no Russian collusion.
Alan Dershowitz: I don’t believe the president will fire anybody. I think that what we are seeing is a bifurcation of the investigation. I think Mueller has now acknowledged that he doesn’t have the authority to look into Mr. Donald Trump’s pre-presidential activities. So he has filtered it off and given it to the Southern District of New York which is now going to investigate those aspects because apparently they couldn’t find anything substantial when it comes to the president’s exercise of his Article II authority.
The president had the right to fire Comey. He had the right to determine what was to be investigated. He would have the right to pardon, though I don’t think it would be wise to do at this time. But they’re moving some of the case over to the Southern District to look into some other matters regarding his lawyer, his private activities, some negotiated settlements. That seems like a subterfuge by which Mueller doesn’t have the authority so he gives that to somebody else, gives them the information. It is like laundering information to another prosecutorial authority.
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