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They did it to President Johnson in 1965. They did it to President Reagan in 1986 with approximately 3 million illegal aliens and they apparently just did it again with President Trump. “Give me what I want, and I promise to think about what you have suggested you would like to have happen”. Then, as soon as the left gets what they want, in whole and in all parts, they seemingly forget the second portion of the agreement. Worse yet, they want and expect even more concessions before complying with the remaining portions of the original request.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!

Over the years, “comprehensive immigration reform” has been bandied about as a negotiating point, political tool or a weapon but that is as far as it has been carried by either party. Now progressives want DACA certified as a stand alone program. After the occurrence of such, they claim willingness to “work on” comprehensive immigration reform. To progressives, however, comprehensive means vague language that allows entitlement, nurturing and amnesty for foreigners illegally in the country and the extended family members they choose to include in the future. Progressives do it again and again and our semi-conservative legislators, blindly believing the best in people, dupe themselves.

This time around the subject is about 800,000 young people (some now upwards of 30 years old) who have taken advantage of multiple entitlement programs including free K-12 education that they barely understand. Fewer than half are proficient in English and have little intention or desire to assimilate into the American culture. They carry flags from the countries to which they still owe allegiance and prefer conversing in foreign languages. Though they have chosen to separate themselves from their family members in order to receive American entitlements, they expect us to welcome not just their offspring but extended clan and teach, train and provide for them as well.

This is the DACA program. By mindfully granting 800,000 young and innocent foreigners the opportunity to take advantage of taxpayers, President Obama set the course for an unquenchable thirst of millions. It is the Cloward and Piven plan to overwhelm the welfare and economic systems carried to the Nth degree.  The current president and congress are now left to deal with this exasperating and untenable situation.

If you agree with those who want legalization for 800,000 DACA grantees or if you are on the fence regarding the issue, please click on the link below and read the article written in 2010. Though it was written during the dictatorial and over-lording reign of President Obama, the last 2/3 of it is as applicable today as it was then.

In 1965, the Immigration and Nationality Act (aka the Hart-Cellar Act), changed our immigration system to allow a more diverse population to legally enter the United States. It was gracious and humanitarian but did not adequately address the influx of illegal entrants to our nation. That was over 50 years ago.

More recently (only 32 years ago) President Ronald Reagan signed the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. There was a promise to effectively control the illegal traffic at our borders and shorelines after granting amnesty to some 3 million people, but again that pledge was never to come about.

Over the past 118 years since 1900, there have been over 30 major structural changes to the way immigration is handled in the United States. None of them addresses illegal entry with punishment harsh enough to prevent it or even curtail it. Our “leaders” keep allowing the problem to grow and fester then say it is too massive to be handled all at once. Thus, we need “comprehensive reform” that can be forgotten at time of funding and long thereafter.

This is a can so dented from kicking that it can no longer be identified as a once valued container. “Comprehensive” is overwhelming and that is exactly why it stalemates every attempted conversation. There must be a starting point and logical order to address the problem. That starting point is: border walls with limited and safeguarded entry points, along with cyber, aerial, radar and infrared detection at all points of possible entry, land and sea.

Our boat is sinking and this is no time to test the potability of the water flooding in. We must plug the holes and bail the excess before we all drown. We can no longer massage and modify our immigration laws to comply with the wishes of people from around the globe  wanting to remake our nation in the image of the countries they dislike enough to leave behind.

This is not about racism as the left wants to inject into every conversation.  This is about protecting our infrastructure; our economy, our industry, our educational institutions and our democratic republic as a whole.

Only after securing our borders and shorelines to protect the nation from further invasion of insurgents willing to overtake and transform our democratic republic and deporting the intruders with alternative allegiance, can we undertake measures to simplify our legal immigration system. And, we can no longer allow progressives to undermine our sovereignty.

iPatriot Contributers


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