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The negotiations on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), opened under a false sense of urgency by President Trump, the “stable genius” and “great negotiator”, and sixteen senators and seven House members, on Tuesday January 9th 2018, in an ineffectual move to protect 800,000 DACA recipients from potential deportation, once DACA ends on March 5th. These negotiations represent the lowest moment of the Trump presidency, nothing more and nothing less than another amnesty for illegal aliens and the Democrats’ first step towards a full amnesty for nearly forty million illegal aliens [government stats 11 to 12 million], a betrayal of America.
If the proposed Dream Act of 2017, the replacement bill of choice, introduced by Senators Dick Durbin (D-ILL) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is any indication of the legislative “solution”, America will be forced to give 3.3 million illegal aliens a conditional lawful permanent resident status. Roughly 1.8 million would certainly become naturalized citizens over the next decade, if not sooner, with voting rights.
What happened to President Trump’s 2016 campaign promise to deport all illegal aliens?
The switch came after his advisors told him  that this DACA amnesty is popular with both Democrats and liberal Republicans. He probably also noted left-leaning polls, like in Politico, that show 54 percent of Americans want to give the “Dreamers” a path to citizenship.
I stated in October 2015, that “Trump’s values shift like the changing of one’s underwear from day to day, depending on his personal agenda and who had his ear at the moment”. Ann Coulter, a conservative journalist, seemed to concur, as she recently stated, “The president cares only about his press, has no grasp of details of policy, and simply agrees with the last person to speak.”
Under no illusions, one might wish to see our leaders vote to deport all illegal aliens, but the reality of the matter suggests some form of amnesty will be passed eventually, unless there is a loud and massive opposition immediately voiced. While House Republicans are forcefully pushing President Trump’s demands on the wall and heightened security, along with the addition of thousands of federal immigration enforcement officers and judges and E-Verify, through the Goodlatte-McCaul bill, the Senate is prepared to give amnesty in exchange for nothing.
The Goodlatte-McCaul bill also ends chain migration and the diversity visa lottery, which allowed the last two Islamic terrorists into the country and the attacks on New York City. It allows the Justice Department to withhold grants from sanctuary cities too.
It should also be noted, that after the Department of Homeland Security detained a DACA recipient with gang ties, early in 2017, it acknowledged revoking the DACA status of over 1500 recipients, due to criminal conviction or gang affiliation. How many other criminals have evaded the department’s scrutiny?
To his credit, President Trump stated: “It has to be a bill where we’re able to secure our border. Drugs are pouring into our country at a record pace. A lot of people coming in that we can’t have.”
Congress could accomplish the same things, without granting a blanket amnesty, if they really wanted to do so, couldn’t they? But the liberals of both parties aren’t working for America, are they?
Curiously, the Great Negotiator’s negotiating skills are less than impressive, given Republicans hold the House, the Senate and the presidency. It is the Democrats, not the president, who are driving a hard bargain.
The Dreamers have no right to be here in the first place, since they or their parents broke U.S. law, and they deserve that right even less, when they display 1794 maps of Mexico and wave the Mexican flag in our streets. They have no say over anything America chooses to grant them; and yet, these Dreamers beseech our Congress for America’s solicitude and benevolent care, while standing on the steps of our state houses and at the Capital in D.C. and demand that any DACA replacement legislation be a “clean” bill.
During the meeting, when Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) asked President Trump if he would “be agreeable” to a “clean” bill, it was obvious that he didn’t understand that meant leaving out his demands, like more border security and the wall, because he replied: “Yeah … I would like to do that. Go ahead. I think a lot of people would like to see that, but I think we have to do DACA first.”
Representative Kevin McCarthy, a liberal Republican, interceded, fortunately. He clarified for the President that he was, in fact, acquiescing to an amnesty bill absent any border security provisions.
Later, flanked by Senator Dick Durbin (D-ILL) and Representative Steny Hoyer (D-MD), President Trump said: “We’ll do DACA and we can certainly start comprehensive immigration reform the following afternoon. Okay? We’ll take an hour off and then we’ll start.” Whether the president understood it or not, “comprehensive immigration reform” stands for amnesty.
To be clear, Congress has no moral or legal obligation or responsibility to grant amnesty to anyone who violated our immigration laws or knowingly put their children in an awful legal predicament. Let the March 5th deadline pass, let deportations proceed, and let the Dreamers sort it out, case by case, in immigration court, like they should have done over all these years.
Complicating negotiations further is a decision by a liberal activist judge in San Franciso on Tuesday evening, January 9th, that temporarily banned the Trump administration from ending DACA. Until Congress takes immigration policy matters out of the Courts’ jurisdiction, invoking that right under Article III of the Constitution, our borders will never be fully secured and illegals will continue to arrive at our borders en masse.
This DACA bill and any general amnesty for the total millions of other illegal aliens helps and benefits the illegal alien population and the Democratic Party only. Within a year of being granted residency or a path to citizenship, activist judges will grant full citizenship, and the bulk of these illegals will expand the Democratic voter base, setting aside all of Trump’s “wins” and border security gains; and Democratic Socialists will get to take permanent control of U.S. elections, laws and governments, for decades to come.
A recently leaked memo from the Center For American Progress reads, in part: “The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also  a critical component to the Democratic Party’s electoral success … “.
An attempt to destroy our borders forever more is still underway as “elite” liberals from both parties, backed by U.S. and global billionaires, seek to force American citizens towards a regional and then global governance. They present America a false solution, in these DACA proposals, on the pretext it serves America’s interests and does not harm our society at large, for their own self-interest, and these members of Congress, who are supposed to represent Americans, not illegal aliens, are eroding and undermining the sanctity of the entire legal system and, by extension, our Republic.

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