Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel, according to President Donald Trump, who declared it so on December 6th 2017, rewarding our close ally Israel and correcting a historical injustice, although any sane person already understood this fact and the historical record removes all doubt. President Trump’s declaration sounded the death knell on the seven decades long world delusion that Muslims and the ideology of Islam somehow have any claim to any part of Jerusalem, which is a critical component of the mythical “Palestinians'” simple ploy to undermine and ultimately destroy Israel, a sovereign Jewish state in the middle of the Islamic world, which is viewed in their eyes as an insult to Islam.
Along with this declaration, President Trump announced the plan to move the U.S. Embassy, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem over the next few years, to ultimately fulfill the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Relocation Act, signed by President Bill Clinton, which originally called for this to be completed by 1999. A waiver signed by President Trump has delayed the move for six months, until a review can present an efficient and viable plan for the move.
President Trump was cautioned against this move, by Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, who feared it would enrage the Islamic world. While it did result in an immediate blowback, President Trump is convinced that this will aid the peace process in the long term; and even if this is not the case, God will bless him and America for his courageous and righteous decision.
Representative John Culberson (R-TX) told ‘The Hill’: “America should never change our foreign policy based on an assumption that we’re going to offend a group of Islamic radicals. America should always do the right thing and stand by our allies, and America has no stronger ally on earth than the people of Israel.”
Justifying his decision, President Trump mentioned the Parliament, Supreme Court and the prime minister’s home in West Jerusalem, as locations within the Old City, including Al Aqsa mosque. A bright, glaring focal point, he made no mention of any Palestinian rights to East Jerusalem.
Today, the Jewish Temple Mount is the third holiest site in Islam, behind Saudi Arabia’s Mecca and Medina. Muslims believe once they claim a piece of land, it belongs to Islam forever.
However, there has never been a “Palestinian” state with Jerusalem as its capital, or a palestinian language or culture. There was not any such thing as a “palestinian” people, prior to 1948. They were ethic Arabs and Muslims, who created the myth as a political tool to use against an unwanted Jewish state in their midst.
For the past three thousand years, since 1000 B.C., there has been an uninterrupted Jewish presence in the city of Jerusalem, which is the religious and cultural home for the Jewish people and their historic capital. Jews, wherever they are in the world, face Jerusalem when they pray, and each year at Passover, their hopeful prayer is recited, “Next year in Jerusalem”.
The Bible mentions the City of David, Jerusalem, more than 600 times, and Jerusalem is mentioned hundreds of times in the Prophets [Nevi’im] and Writings [Ketuvim]. The Psalms 137:5 state, “If I forget thee Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill”. Out of all the cities in the world, the Bible only calls on us to pray for the welfare of Jerusalem, but not once is Jerusalem mentioned in the Koran.
In Mohammed’s lifetime, Jerusalem was an unimportant city in the Byzantine Empire and a Christian city without a single mosque. The Al Aqsa mosque is a conquest mosque built atop the ruins of the Church of Saint Mary of Justinian. And, although Islamic tradition says Mohammed ascended into Heaven from Al Aqsa mosque, there is no record of Mohammed having ever been to Jerusalem.
President Trump rightfully noted: “This is nothing more or less than a recognition of reality. It is also the right thing to do. It’s something that has to be done.”
Many professional “peace experts” contend that President Trump’s capital idea will kill any chance for a negotiated settlement between the Palestinians and Israel. Palestinian Authority president-for-life Mahmoud Abbas, an old terrorist himself, characterized the move as America’s “declaration of withdrawal” from the “peace process”.
What peace process?
For nearly a decade, Abbas has refused to engage in direct talks, despite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s open invitation, but no negotiation is better than the bad faith negotiations of the Palestinians. In 1993, under Yasser Arafat, they accepted extremely generous deals in the Oslo Accords and right away committed wave after wave of terrorist attacks, in an effort to force more concessions from Israel and the West.
And now, President Trump has sent the unmistakable message that murder will not be rewarded. No longer will violence over Jerusalem be tolerated.
Calls for Muslims to engage in “three days of rage” immediately sounded over mosque loudspeakers in Gaza, and hundreds moved on the Israeli border, after Trump’s speech, throwing stones and chanting, “We don’t need empty words, we need stones and Kalasnikovs”, while other clashes broke out in Hebron and Bethlehem. Thirty-one Palestinians were wounded on Thursday, and Friday after prayers was like all other Fridays, with the usual protests and anger.
The Palestinians don’t want to peacefully coexist beside Israel, in a two-state solution. They seek a one state solution and an Islamic State that exists in the place of Israel, and they cling to their fantasy of eradicating the Jewish state. To achieve this, they have created a campaign to revise history, and they attempt to erase the undeniable Jewish connection and birthright to Jerusalem.
Reprehensibly, on May 2nd of this year, Israel’s Independence Day, the U.N.’s cultural body, UNESCO, passed a series of resolutions that stated Israel hasn’t any legal or historical rights anywhere in Jerusalem. Largely comprised of an anti-Israel majority, the votes against the resolution came from the U.S., U.K., Italy, Germany, Ukraine, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Greece, Paraguay and Togo.
In the moments after the vote passed, Israel’s ambassador to UNESCO, Carmel Shama-Hacohen, draped in a large Israeli flag, addressed the meeting: “Even now, after this miserable vote, this blue and white flag is flying high above the Temple Mount and throughout Israel’s eternal capital city, Jerusalem, waving in the wind, saying to all ‘here we are, and we are here to stay'”.
Denying reality is how this game has long been played. For seventy years the world has pretended that Jerusalem wasn’t the capital of Israel. We even witnessed the U.N. become the poster child for the absurd, when it declared East Jerusalem “occupied territory”, on December 23rd 2016, because of President Obama’s anti-Israel sentiment. This advanced the insane and ignoble fantasy that , as a matter of international law, the Western Wall, and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem too, really belongs to the Palestinians. President Donald Trump just put an end to their game, with his acknowledgement of fact and his brave act and moral courage.
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