Recall that Attorney General Jeff Sessions promised to enforce the rule of law to the Senate members who approved his nomination as Attorney General.
Now he is confronted with the really hard legal decisions in the implementation of DACA as well as the HRC email investigation. President Trump should act in concert with AG Sessions to enforce the rule of law. Credibility depends on accountability.
To review the salient facts in the DACA executive order, the public knows that President Obama and others admitted that it was contrary to current immigration law and that the POTUS does not have the authority to change the law.
That said, President Obama opened the boarders and allowed some 800,000 children from other countries into the USA. The rationale for this illegal act was that it was a humanitarian act of a compassionate people. In reality, the children were simply the pawns of the Obama global political agenda. Do you think that the people who brought them to the border were citizens?
President Trump now faces a public of both democrats and republicans who have thrown up their hands and said there is no use in crying over spilled milk. For seventeen years people have been calling for immigration reform. More recently President Obama made a campaign promise to pass immigration reform, but like so many other promises he made, it was a promise unfulfilled. Despite having unobstructed control of the House and the Senate, President Obama kicked the can down the road.
So, if the President cannot change the law, the question is whether or not the POTUS should rescind the DACA Executive Order and bring the country back into compliance with existing law. Let the fake news people hold those responsible for changing the law be accountable for their years of inaction.
AG Sessions also has an enforcement responsibility concerning ICE.
As a practical matter, the U.S. does not have the ability or wish to deport 800,000 young people. However, a temporary restraining order might be granted for a limited period of time to allow congress to address the matter.
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