President Trump is taking bold and LEGAL action to solve many of America’s long running problems in spite of a worthless Congress. Trump’s actions are forcing our self-centered and “do nothing” Congress to take legal action to deal with these things like they were supposed to do originally. In addition to Congress President Trump is also working against a totally dishonest Main Stream Media that is obsessed with helping destroy the Trump Presidency.
He rescinded Obama’s illegal DACA order that Congress has not bothered to fix. The recinsion gives Congress six months to solve the problem legally. With the clear understanding that Congress is going to have to negotiate with him or he will veto whatever they send to his desk.
He rescinded Obama’s illegal Obamacare subsidies, which Congress did not agree to or do legally. Congress still has a short window to repeal and replace Obamacare with something that could actually work for the American people.
He signed an Executive Order directing the insurance regulatory agencies to remove any regulations that prevented people or groups from buying insurance across state lines. The order also directed the regulatory agencies to allow individuals to form groups, or join existing groups so they could buy insurance at lower group rates and to allow individuals to buy lower priced insurance plans that did not require people to buy coverage they did not need, like single males being required to buy coverage that had maternity benefits.
He refused to re-certify the ridiculous Iran Nuclear Deal. This effectively throws it back into Congress’ lap to try and make it better for America and the rest of the free world.
He and his Administration have dealt quickly and decisively with multiple disastrous hurricanes, multiple disastrous California wild fires and the worse mass murder in modern U.S. history.
He has met, and positively influenced, more world leaders in his first few months in office than Obama did in his eight years in office. Many world leaders are beginning to respect America again, and in many cases actually work with us to solve some of the world’s problems. This is happening in spite of the Democrat’s and RINO Republican’s rants to the contrary, the Main Stream Media’s obsession with dishonest reporting and fake news, and Obama “holdover’s” who are continuing their efforts to sabotage the Trump Presidency.
Nine months after President Trump was sworn in the ISIS capital of Raqqa was taken by a U.S. backed coalition of fighting forces! It is amazing what is being accomplished with a change in the Commander in Chief, new battle tested military Commanders with the authority to make the decisions necessary to accomplish their objectives, and a change in the “Rules of Engagement”!
President Trump is accomplishing all this and more in spite of the fact that many of his chosen appointees, to various top positions in his administration, are being deliberately delayed by the Senate. This is another way that President Trump has exhibited his Senior Executive and Manager skills. He simply appointed qualified people to “acting positions” and watched the results to assure that they are doing the jobs well.
This is only a sample of what an amazing job President Trump is doing in spite of an unbelievable number of road blocks being constantly thrown out in front of him by the America hating “Never Trumpers”. This is a classic example of the difference between a highly qualified, skilled and successful MANAGER (President Trump) compared to an incompetent loser who constantly surrounds himself with incompetent sycophants and fails at everything (Obama). I wrote a detailed article about this in April and posted it here:
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