There can be unforgettable moments in each of our lives, / when something stirs the heart and the mind, / when life and your place within its folds, / becomes clearer and well defined.
The church was quiet, even as the congregation entered, / not a sound only the whispers of faithful prayers, / and suddenly the flock stood up together, / as a figure descended the stairs.
Dressed all in black with a cross on his chest, / in a booming voice said, “Let us pray”, / and the faithful responded like true believers, / I will never forget the Preachers words that day.
He said, “The good and righteous you cannot deceive, / that evil corrupts those with excessive desires. / and there are absolute truths you must accept and believe”.
He said “the world around us is constantly changing, / and it’s what you do with change that will determine your fate, / that you must always be ready, it can even come in the night, / and that it’s never too early but sometimes too late”.
The Preacher stopped, and for a moment became silent, / and suddenly toward heaven he raised his eyes, / then he pointed at the gathered, and said “expect the unexpected, / and don’t be fooled by evils lure and its lies”.
He said, “Always vigilant, discreet, and on the prowl, / beware of the evil ones goal, / to tempt you, prey on your avarice and pride, / and in the end steal your immortal soul”.
“Ignore the foolish, petty, and the gossip vine, / in the end it will bear bitter fruit, / beware of the extended hand with a crooked smile, / he can come in rages or a fancy suit”.
The Preacher said, “Stay strong, be steadfast in your faith in God, / take disappointment and adversity in stride, / have the courage of conviction to rise above it all, / embrace virtue, cast vanity aside”.
“Whatever path you take”, he said, / “Make your journey a time well spent, / accept success with grace and humility, / face failure with courage and strength”.
“Listen to the wise, the learned, and the positive, / avoid the naysayers, your cause they’ll diminish, / and never forget, it’s not how you begin, / what’s important is how you finish”.
The Preacher said “In life we have choices, / and the decisions you make can be timid or bold, / but always remember, should you seek fame and fortune, / God, family and friends are more precious than gold”.
“That you’re bound in life by the choices you make, / the things you do and say, / your words and deeds, desire and needs, / will define who you are each day”.
The Preacher said, “Know the facts and the truth, / ignorance is no excuse, nor bliss, / don’t go through life with a smile and a shrug, / or when opportunity knocks you’ll miss”.
He said “Brothers and Sisters, Life is a struggle, / that providence will determine the time and the place, / when your happiness and freedom may at last be tested, / it will demand courage to confront the challenges you’ll face”.
“Plant the seeds of truth and brotherhood”, he said, / “and let the power of faith in you grow, / be humble but strong, and harvest good will, / and know in life we often reap what we sow”.
The Preacher stopped and bowed his head, / there was silence unlike anything I’ve known, /the faithful waited for him to resume, / his last words should be written in stone.
“Life shows no favorites, it can break you, he said, / it can be cruel and leave shattered hearts,/ but if you’re brave, persevere and avoid temptation, / one day you can be stronger in the broken parts”.
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