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With the prominence of negative ads, actions and attacks, along with misguided (or not) polls; I found it interesting of the lack of Trump window and lawn signs.  The reason was fear; the identified and non-identified Trump supporters worried about the repercussions based on what they read and heard.

After the election, the rhetoric of left hasn’t let up.  The media has mellowed just a bit, but I still watch the Trump positive reports followed by a negative…and, as during the election, everything is over analyzed and magnified.

Obama did provide some relief from the recession at the cost and burden to the future generation.  This is an issue with no quick and easy fix.  Along with a ridiculous amount of new regulations, lack of immigration control, Obamacare and the untenable stirring of racial, cultural and economic emotions; Trump faces challenges, many that can be remedied quickly, while others will require many years.  Many folk, mainly in the media and on the left, bemoaned that Republicans were obstructionist.  From many sources, I read of many instances where there was willingness to compromise until Obama and the Dems wanted their way or no way.

I’d like to see proposed legislation be more pure without pork barrel or personal interest riders. Filibusters are a waste of legislative time assuming that proper floor and committee discussion takes place.

Trump must be conciliatory and try to ease the unnecessary fear many have (or have been taught to have).  Soros must be fully investigated for election interference and paying to cause unrest and riots. Immigration vetting and control must be firm but fair.

As the commonly used phrase goes: “It’s going to be a bumpy ride.”  I can only hope they’re small bumps, and all involved understand our country and our future are at stake.

iPatriot Contributers


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