Are you a Ted Cruz supporter?
Perhaps you feel let down or confused as what to do next.
If you are like me, you have a lot of feelings and thoughts to sort through right now as far as what to do next about voting this November in the general election. Maybe you will write Ted Cruz in. But, there is a problem. Not all states will allow write-ins and some require proper documentation from the candidates who want to be a write-in. Dilemma! What’s next? Libertarian? Many of us feel that libertarians are actually too liberal.
I came across a political party that might have what you are seeking…
It’s called the Constitution Party. I was shocked when I read what this party is about! Their principles are exactly aligned with my beliefs! I had never heard of this party before! Third parties are rarely heard of and not one has ever been successful in winning elections, except for the Independent party.
However, the presidential choices are horrific! Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump! Regardless of who is finally elected, the one who succeeds will be a disaster!
If you are voting because of your conscience and doing what is right, then do your homework and look into the Constitution Party. I am not a member of the Constitution Party, nor am I any kind of spokesperson for them. I simply want to do what it right and elect someone who is pro-Constitution. Our man we supported may be out….for now…but we do have a few options.
The Republican Party has truly let us down – not only by letting Trump be on the presidential ticket to run but also because of who we have in the Party; many have been sellouts. We have been discouraged by RINOS! Many have bent backwards to please and pander to the leftists. I, for one, can not support a party that disregards its members and bows down to the leftists. Perhaps in the near future, I will have the fortitude to leave the Republican Party and support a party who is truly listening to their members.
Keep up the good fight and do what is right.
Tags: Bernie Sanders constitution Hillary Clinton Ted Cruz
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