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The Democrats have claimed that Trump was colluding with Russia since he became president. They even forced the appointment of a Democrat Special Counsel group that has hounded Mr. Trump for over a year without producing one scrap of evidence. But I, an investigative journalist extraordinaire, have finally unearthed solid proof that Trump is not a patriot, but is actually serving Mother Russia, and is the stooge of Vladimir Putin.


1) Trump has enacted heavier economic sanctions on Russia than any nation in history.
2) He expelled 60 Russian “diplomats” over the nerve agent attack by Russia in England.
3) He has targeted powerful Putin friends with both travel and financial sanctions.
4) He closed the Russian Consulate in California over Russian meddling in US elections.
5) He provided weapons to Ukraine to use to kill Russian invaders.
6) After a chemical attack on civilians a year ago, he sent 57 Tomahawk missiles to destroy a Syrian air base backed by Russians, risking Russian retaliation.
7) As I write this, he is preparing to launch an even greater military attack following another terrible chemical attack that killed 40 men, women and children and injured 500 others.
8) He directly called out Syria, Iran, and Russia as being responsible for the attack – and called out Putin by name.
9) He has warned the Russians to get their people off Syrian military bases. If not, they will be killed, and it will be Russia’s responsibility.
10) Today he Tweeted that Putin had better stop partnering with the “animal” (Syrian dictator Assad) who kills his own people with chemical weapons.

If these ten points don’t convince you that President Trump has been favoring Russia and acting as Putin’s puppet – you’re way smarter than the average Democrat politician.

NOTE: This article was originally published on www.ConservativeTruth.Org
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