Despite the left’s caterwauling, few Americans support their radical abortion on demand agenda, and while most Americans do support abortion, very few support it past the second trimester.
According to HotAir, a new Trafalgar Group poll finds that only a tiny 11.6 percent line up behind the Democrat’s extreme abortion to birth policy. And while corresponding few (13.9 percent) go the other way by wanting all abortions outlawed, the bad news for the Democrats is that 24 percent want it banned for any reason other than rape, incest, and life of the mother and another 19.7 percent want it banned as soon as a fetal heartbeat can be detected. That’s nearly 44 percent in opposition to the Democrats’ agenda.
The Trafalgar poll also found that 30.8 percent oppose abortion after the second trimester. This is also a blow to the left-wing plan because they want abortion — including the brutal and inhuman partial birth abortion procedure – approved all the way until the day of birth.
Overall, this poll finds that few Americans support the Democrat’s most extreme policy desires.
Indeed, this poll (and others including a recent Pew Poll) find that around 70 percent of Americans agree with the general Republican position that abortion should be illegal after a fetal heartbeat is discovered and that only exceptions such as rape, incest, and life of the mother really count to legitimize the procedure.
While there are certainly Republicans who lean closer to the total ban of abortion, the bulk of the party supports the ideas that 70 percent of Americans support.
So, it looks like Americans lean toward Republicans on this extremely touchy issue. And THAT is why the left does not want Rove v. Wade overturned.
It’s because they know Americans do not support their extremism.
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Tags: Abortion Commentary democrats GOP republicans
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