The left-wing press and their bosses in the Democrat Party are desperate to force Americans to believe that Jan. 6 was an “insurrection,” but it seems that they are not winning that argument.
First of all, Jan. 6 was certainly a riot. But there was no “insurrection.” An insurrection requires planning, coordination, weapons, and sustained attack. None of that was present on Jan. 6, 2021.
There was no plan to overthrow the U.S. government. There was no coordination among any of the people who ended up inside the Capitol Building. The only people who had actual weapons in the Capital were the Capitol Police. And the so-called “violence” during the day was perpetrated by the police, not the protesters.
None of this is to excuse the events that day, of course. But there was no insurrection. And despite the media’s constant drumbeat of lies, it seems that Americans are not falling for the campaign.
A recent CBS poll find that the majority of the public does not buy the idea that what happened last year was actually an “insurrection.” As it happened, 76 percent feel that the events of Jan. 6 were a riot, but not an insurrection.
Per Jonathan Turley:
The media, however, has become less and less relevant to public opinion. Despite the censorship of social media companies and the support of a legion of willing academics and experts, the coverage is largely self-contained. Most networks and newspapers have effectively written off half of the country. They are singing to the choir. That is reflected in the CBS poll. The public was given the same options that viewers are given every night on network and cable programs: either call this an insurrection or join the Proud Boys and call it an act of patriotism.
He’s exactly right.
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Tags: democrats Insurrection Jan 6 media bias
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