Disgusting, left-wing political website Politico just published a female GOP candidate’s rape from more than a decade ago that she wanted to keep out of the campaign, but Politico refused and victimized her all over again.
Indiana Congressional District-01 candidate, Republican Jennifer-Ruth Green, was sexually assaulted back when she was in the U.S. military, but she never wanted that to be made a campaign issue. But even though she pleaded with Politico NOT to add the rape story to its hit piece against her, they did it anyway.
Green is running against hard-left incumbent Democrat Frank Mrvan.
Politico lied and told her that the rape story — which is contained only in her military records and has never been made public — “were obtained by a public records request and provided to Politico by a person outside the Mrvan campaign.”
MfVan is a U.S. Congressman. He and his staff can get military records through quiet back channels. But those records are not open for just anyone. So, claiming no one in the Mrvan campaign was involved in Politico’s hit piece is most likely a lie.
Per HotAir:
This surprise is not welcomed by Green. Who would blame her? I read about the story of Green’s sexual assault while she served in Iraq a couple of days ago. The first I read of the story was in an online publication that focuses on Indiana politics called “Importantville” written by Adam Wren, a Midwestern journalist who is a contributing editor at Politico. At first glance, I was curious why the story was coming out at all. It’s mixed up in what I assume is the author’s larger point – Green received a couple of performance evaluations in which she received a “does not meet standards” rating in leadership skills. Leadership skills are important for politicians, right?
In the Importantville article, the author starts out by explaining that Green, a Black Republican, is trying to turn Indiana’s 1st Congressional District red. For 100 years, it has been a Democrat district. She graduated from the US Air Force Academy in 2005, one of 15 black female cadets in a class of 919.
Green says that Politico contacted her ahead of publishing its hit piece and she pleaded with them not to include the rape information.
Like true Democrats, Politico did it anyway. And you can be one thousand percent sure that if Green were a Democrat, Politico would never have done this in the first place.
Democrats are vile human beings.
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