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I recognize that those who most need to read this and other like articles are the least likely to do so. It destroys their implanted narrative and thus must be rejected outright without review or consideration.

It doesn’t take a mental giant, or even an semi-intelligent public school graduate, to see there is a movement afoot to destroy the United States. Unfortunately, most of the imbued high school graduates and certainly the products of many four year colleges are so indoctrinated with “free” and “equal” and “diversity” and “acceptance” that critical thinking and reasoned observation is not within their purview. They cannot see or accept economic, social or political reality and cannot recognize what they are conditioned to bring about.

Today’s scholars, professors and teachers are bred on the disciplines of Saul Alinsky and Karl Marx. Marx predicted that the internal class struggle of a capitalist society would produce self destruction resulting ultimately in a socialist society. He professed socialism or an ideal classless society such as communism would result. Alinsky popularized the thinking of Marx and directed the initialization of his philosophy.

Alinsky alleged that the best method to effect change is to first create chaos of the highest order. He became the figurehead of the counter-culture movement of the 1960s and 1970s and is the mentor of the liberal journalists, teachers, professors and politicians (the reporters, guides and governors) of today.

Many of our current and recent generations, seduced by the authority of their “educators”, see only the initial and seductive stages of the socialist and communist doctrines. They have been drilled with the notion that these economic and political creeds result in global and total equality; everyone prospers from the efforts and production of the collective. The poverty and starvation that decades of submission to these philosophies is not admitted in the indoctrination. Only the ultimately infeasible Utopian representation is offered and revered.

From the chaotic state, the masses will accept any change to calm or abate the state of turbulence. That change comes in the form of socialism and ultimately communism. A soothing transition from capitalism and democracy might be termed Democratic Socialism; the first step to authoritarian dominance.

Each leader among the disciples of these philosophies believes he or she is the one to make the transition complete and viable. Every one who has tried has failed and each society transformed has suffered. The chieftains of the attempts often die under unexpected and mysterious circumstances only to be followed by stronger figures. The proles of these regimes toil endlessly for their meager existence while the elite governing class becomes enriched.

*Note the referral to two classes of these “equality for all” socio-political comradeships. This, in itself, illustrates a major contradiction to the professed uniform prosperity.

Without direct and personal incentive to produce and prosper for one’s self and family, there is little reason to work at capacity for others to benefit. Feudalism does not enhance the wealth of society. It drains the wealth from it.

I refer you to the totalitarian reign of the former USSR. For those with less historical background or initiative to do the research, read the current news coming out of Venezuela. Both of these nation states passed through the stage of Marxism, into socialism and into autocracies whereby the masses became starving chattel of the dictators.

Capitalism and democracy may not be the best forms of economy, government and civilization for it, too, is flawed. However, it has proven to be among the best for the greatest majority within. We, the U.S., are now at a negative point of transition away from personal responsibility and reward to that of dominance and submissiveness. With each new entitlement easing the need for self reliance, we move closer and closer to the proven failures of totalitarianism.

The United States is now in a hybrid state whereby public welfare is surpassed by government give-away programs. Charitably helping the infirm and incapable through public support is beneficial to a social and civilized community. However, making the lazy and sedentary comfortable and dependent with luxuries such as internet service, cell phones, monthly stipends, housing allowances and other benefits robs them of pride and incentive and allows the government to lord over them. The passive recipients democratically vote for more of the same not realizing they are electively contributing to their own servitude and that of their descendants.

The anarchists we see in the streets today are only ignorant players, for the most part. They falsely believe they are contributing to constructive societal change. Some are paid to organize and engage in protests and riots as suggested by Alinsky; to create chaos. The rest are dupes acting ignorantly, or on partial information regarding the projected outcome of their participation. Most are oblivious to the historical mistakes of multiple attempts to alter the social order. They are unaware of their contribution to totalitarianism.

iPatriot Contributers


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