Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s leading abortion mill, claims that no taxpayer funding is used to fund abortions. She says private donations fund abortions and that government grants pay for other services. This is another classic and laughable misdirection by a greedy and unconcerned socialist attempting to preserve her baby-killing and bonus producing revenue.
As a responsible personal and family budgeter for the past 55+ years and the former CFO for a non-profit corporation that dealt with funding from numerous federal, state, county and city government entities, I can say with all certainty that the above statement is deceptively false. It’s as simple as moving checkers on a board.
Keeping it as simple, relatable and understandable as possible, let’s look at a personal or family budget. Whether formal or informal, written or unwritten, one must accept that there are categories of income and expense. No matter where the money comes from, it is classified as income. It might come from regular earnings or bank interest or investments. Anything that increases your wealth on a regular basis is income and it can be allocated to expenses, entertainment, savings or foolishness.
Money that must be paid out is considered expense. Expenses require income or savings to make payment valid. If you have no savings and use the last of your monthly money for a concert when the light bill is due, you should expect a dark household in a few nights.
Concept to remember: limited funds require more reasoned choices. The lack of heat or lighting is not the fault of the local power company. It is your fault and your responsibility for making a, or some, unreasonable choice(s). Foregoing that concert may have meant unspoiled food in the refrigerator.
Let’s say you have income of $2,300 per month. Along with that are your monthly expenses of $2,200 per month (rent $1400, gas and electricity $100, food and household needs $250, car payment $300, credit card(s) $150, etc.). Your income just covers your monthly hard costs with little to spare for entertainment. Make sense?
Now let us suppose that you just won the lottery and have additional $2,000 each and every month for the rest of your life. This additional revenue almost doubles your income. Now you can devote a lot more for entertainment or a nicer car, savings or whatever. It matters not whether you use the money you work hard for to spend on entertainment and use the lottery money to pay the bills because it all looks the same; it all becomes part of the income category.
This is how Planned Parenthood uses taxpayer money and claims that not a penny goes to abortion. They simply report expenditures of the $500+ million taxpayer dollars to services other than abortion, sell the body parts of the aborted fetuses and log that income as “other income”. Depending on the specific terms of the government grants or contracts, they cannot use the income from body parts as matching funds. Planned Parenthood must use other donations to justify the the grant. Just the same, they now have plenty of money to perform the abortions which a majority of taxpayers find abhorrent.
Take away the taxpayer money and all of a sudden Cecile Richards has to begin making reasoned choices. Continue abortions and forego the bonus? That might be one choice. Discontinue abortions or a majority of them and keep the bonus might be a second choice.
It should not matter whether you are pro-choice (pro-abortion) or pro-life. A individual’s sexual misdeeds are not the responsibility of the general public. They are as personal as can be had. It’s an individual responsibility.
Should the citizens of a community be held responsible for the automotive repairs, property damage and medical expenses resulting from an accident caused by a driver who is more interested in texting than paying attention to the road and traffic conditions? Most thinking people will answer that question with a resounding NO. It should it be his or her responsibility to buy sufficient insurance or otherwise personally bear the burden of all costs incurred due to his or her negligence.
Some people are laughing at this comparison right now. They are the very people who want everyone else to pay for their mistakes and their well being in general. They’re called LIBERALS.
Tags: government liberals Planned Parenthood taxes
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