Tony Fratto, former deputy press secretary for George W. Bush, wrote, “#NeverTrump means never ever ever ever ever under any circumstances as long as I have breath never Trump,” according to the NY Times report.
Tim Miller, co-founder of America Rising Super PAC tweeted: “Never ever ever Trump. Simple as that.”
Mark Salter, John McCain’s strategist said in a tweet: “The GOP is going to nominate for President a guy who reads the National Enquirer and thinks it’s on the level. I’m with her.”
Stuart Stevens, Mitt Romney’s 2012 campaign strategist: “I think Donald Trump has proven to be unbalanced and uniquely unqualified to be president.”
David Limbaugh, Rush Limbaugh’s brother, tweeted: “In an odd way I’m relieved, for now. Part of the ongoing frustration is realizing how out of phase I am with the majority, but it has spoken.”
Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus called Trump the party’s presumptive nominee in a tweet and said, “@realDonaldTrump will be presumptive @GOP nominee, we all need to unite and focus on defeating @HillaryClinton #NeverClinton.”
Michael Reagan, the eldest son of President Ronald Reagan, has been a dedicated conservative and commentator continuing his father’s legacy of championing limited government, strong family values and a strong national defense. He recently tweeted: “You can’t be a Trump Republican and a Reagan Republican. It’s time to choose.” (More of Reagan on Trump )
“We, the undersigned, will never vote for Donald Trump. We need to stand together and send a clear message that we reject Trump.” – From the website where over 32,000 the grassroots movement activists signed the pledge (as of 5/4/2016).
So today, The Trump Train is getting momentum and speed-up. After all the bitter disputes with gloves off and punches in the face and below the belt … What Donald Trump thinks about the negative wave: “They are calling to say “We’d love to get on the train, The Trump train,” he said.
Judging by what we’ve seen so far, but even more for those surprises that await voters ahead, the 2016 campaign will go down in history as the most interesting.
Tags: Donald Trump
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