Merriam Webster definition of Partisan: a firm adherent to a party, faction, cause or person: especially one exhibiting blind, prejudiced and unreasoning allegiance: example – political partisans who only see one side of the problem
I have been closely watching current events and their effects on the US economy for over fifty years. During all this time it seemed to me that partisan politics steadily went to even more extreme levels than it was in previous years. This was especially noticeable beginning in the ’70s and it seemed to always peak around national elections. The advent of cell phones, computers, the internet, and cable TV made partisan politics much more visible and gave partisan politicians a very “public platform” to promote their, and/or their party’s agendas. As this “public platform” became “24/7 and 365” more politicians, especially on the national level realized that they could use it to promote their personal agendas, not just their party’s. This is how the “Washington Cesspool” became so full of politicians who are obsessed with their own personal WEALTH and POWER! And they will say or do anything to amass and hold on to personal wealth and power, especially the POWER.
A study referred to in a Wikipedia article, the “American National Election Study”, came to the same conclusion that I described above regarding partisan politics in America. The “Study”, which began in 1952, concluded that over 60 years, “the meaning of the term (partisan politics) in America has changed dramatically over the last 60 years”. The “Study” concluded that originally a person’s voting record determined if they were partisan. Now it is defined as a person who is psychologically attached to an agenda or party platform. Based on the Left’s behavior today that works for me.
The change in partisan politics from support for party platform planks to personal aggrandizement and ideology is by far the most visible on the Left side of politics in America. The Left (Democrats, RINO Republicans, and the MSM) are so obsessed with their personal agendas that they will not let anything, including our Constitution, interfere with their efforts to expand their personal power. In fact, they see our Constitution as the main thing standing between them and their personal agendas! They are so obsessed with destroying our Constitution they have taken their open attacks on our Constitution to unprecedented levels, and with the eager assistance of the MSM, they are flaunting it! Here are a few recent examples:
- The Electoral College: People on the left have been working to destroy this core part of our Constitutional Republic election process for 20 years. Kristian Gillibrand, a New York Senator and Democratic candidate for president recently announced that she was going to introduce an amendment to a bill in Congress to eliminate it! Ten states with liberal elected officials have passed, or introduced, state laws that change the way their state’s electors are allocated to candidates. These laws are in direct violation of our Constitution, but the Left does not care and insist this is a battle they can win.
- Free Speech: Christiane Amanpour, during a CNN interview with James Comey asked why the FBI did not shut down “hate speech” like “lock her up”. She insisted that “hate speech” like that coming from the Trump campaign was “dangerous” and should be shut down. She only referenced “hate speech” coming for the Trump campaign, nothing about the blatant lies and accusations the Left is constantly spewing.
- Religious Freedom: This freedom has been under constant attack for decades but during the past few years they seem to be especially focused on practicing Christians, while the Left is loudly insisting that people who are Muslims be protected from any form of discrimination.
- Freedom of the Press: The Obama Administration illegally wiretapped Fox News reporter James Rosen and his family because they did not like his reporting as part of the White House Press Corps. This illegal spying on an American citizen morphed into a massive attack on many American’s “Freedom of Speech” when it became S.O.P. with the Obama Administration, especially during his second term. Practically everyone that publicly opposed the Left’s agenda was targeted. Not only did the Obama administration illegally spy on an untold number of American’s communications, their names and selected parts of their communications that could be used against them politically were “leaked” to members of the media that shared the Left’s views. This included the Trump campaign headquarters in Trump Tower! After the November 2016 election Obama ordered all US intelligence agencies to ramp up their surveillance efforts on the Trump campaign and transition team.
- Gun Control: This Freedom has been under constant attack on a national, state and local level for decades. In recent years it has developed into a national movement with many organized and heavily funded groups working full time to destroy this freedom bit by bit. Their latest organized effort is to destroy the NRA financially. They are putting huge pressure on all financial institutions, insurance companies, manufacturers, large retail conglomerates and sporting goods companies to refuse to do business with the NRA, or associate with the NRA in any way. This effort is beginning to yield results and could destroy the NRA. The NRA is, in effect the last thing standing between us and the elimination of our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. As usual, the Left wants a double standard for themselves and us. The “elite” can afford to live and work in places that have security systems, and in many places armed guards, but they do not think those of us in “Middle America (deplorables) should have the right to “own and bear arms”.
- In one of my past articles, I wrote about the Obama administration “stacking the deck” against Conservatives, especially after the November 2016 election. The Obama Administration’s policy was to hire as many Federal employees as possible and promote as many Federal employees as possible to positions of power in every Federal agency and department. After President Trump was elected Obama ordered every Federal agency and department to accelerate their hiring and promotion efforts to assure there were as many “Obamaites” (Obama worshipers and Trump haters) as possible in our Federal government. These people are still sabotaging the Trump administration every day in every way possible. One example that is happening right now is Congressman Elijah Cummings, Chair of the House Oversight Committee grossly misusing his position to promote claims made by a White House “whistleblower” (an Obamaite) that President Trump violated White House security approval procedures. According to the “Obamaite”, the President ordered that dozens of his staff members, including members of his family, be immediately given high-level security clearances so they could begin work in his administration. Where were these “Security Officials” during the time between the election in November and the January 19 Presidential inauguration? This is just one of many constant examples of ranking Democrats continuing to use positions of power to unethically, and in many cases, illegally work at trying to destroy the Trump Presidency.
The double standard of justice in the Washington Cesspool is becoming even more visible!
What I have noted here is just more evidence that what I wrote about in previous articles was correct. The Left is totally obsessed with total power over everyone and everything in America and will go to any lengths to accomplish that. The first step in achieving that goal is to shred our Constitution. If they accomplish that America will be “Fundamentally Changed” FOREVER!
We cannot let any of this happen! Many times over the years I have talked about how brilliant and far-seeing our Founding Fathers were! This is one of those times. I still wonder how they developed and got a Constitution ratified over 200 years ago that is still so relevant and strong in today’s world!
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