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Parents be warned. The Barbie movie is hot, woke garbage aimed at your little girls.

The film stands against everything a good parent should want to instill in their daughters. It expresses a hate for motherhood, works against traditional womanhood, and celebrates dangerous transgenderism.

Indeed, it is exactly the sort of garbage that China wants American children to see.

Not that you are likely surprised.

For instance, the film tells older women who loved their Barbie dolls that they were bad people because they supported the “patriarchy.”

As Christian Toto reports:

Stereotypical Barbie, played with panache by Margot Robbie, suddenly finds herself victim to feelings from that other realm. She thinks about death, for starters, interrupting the dreamy existence everyone enjoys in Barbie Land.

Except the men. The various Kens, led by Ryan Gosling, are there to be either ogled or ignored. Mostly the latter.

This Uber-feminist world has no need, desire or empathy for Ken Nation. And the lads are perfectly content because they don’t know any better.

When Barbie and Ken leave their world to visit the Real one, everything changes. Ken discovers the Patriarchy, and he likes it! (The screenplay mentions the “patriarchy” 10 times… 10!) Barbie encounters rampant sexism, like AMC’s “Mad Men” on steroids.

Toto addes:

Gerwig, along with collaborator Noah Baumbach, have an agenda to push that drains the joy from their creation time after time. And it starts from the opening minutes with a cringe-worthy close-up of the all-female Supreme Court (where’s Amy Coney Barrett?).

Feminism! Empowerment! Down with the Patriarchy!

Every time the film gains momentum it pauses to make a mini-speech The characters can’t move beyond these moments because there’s always another minutes away.

It’s the perfect encapsulation of woke storytelling. The AgendaTM matters more than the narrative and mustn’t be denied.

The movie also hates men. Seriously hates men.

Toto finds that the movie cleverly indulges the material culture of the world of Mattel’s Barbie toys, but then demolishes it with every character, every miniature woke speech, and every plot turn.

In short, Barbie ends up hating the toys, the world the toys were born in, the current world where the toys are still popular, and everything about America’s traditions, history, culture, and morals.

This film is a 100% must miss.

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Warner Todd Huston

Warner Todd Huston has been writing editorials and news since 2001 but started his writing career penning articles about U.S. history back in the early 1990s. Huston has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business Network, CNN, and several local Chicago News programs to discuss the issues of the day. Additionally, he is a regular guest on radio programs from coast to coast. Huston has also been a Breitbart News contributor since 2009. Warner works out of the Chicago area, a place he calls a "target rich environment" for political news.


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