A man is suing his doctors after they let him authorize the transgender surgery that permanently disfigured him causing more mental distress than he was already experiencing.
Ritchie Herron, 35, says that his life is now unbearable after doctors removed his male genitals four years ago. He feels that he was not given proper mental assessment and that now he regrets his transgender fantasy of becoming a woman.
Further, he claims that the “bottom surgery” turned him into a monster with no sex drive, no sensation anywhere below the beltline, no capability to have sex even if he wanted to, and that it sometimes takes a half hour to empty his bladder because his urinary tract and muscles no longer work properly.
Per the Daily Mail:
Battling mental health issues – and after decades of suppressing his homosexuality – Ritchie, 35, had thought the answer was to become a woman. But instead, he says, he was fast-tracked into making ‘the biggest mistake of his life’ and left infertile, incontinent and with ongoing pain.
Not only had the NHS clinic failed to take into account his spiralling mental health crisis, he claims, but it had also failed to properly counsel him about the risks.
Ritchie has decided to waive his anonymity to tell the story of his ordeal in full, detail the physical and mental scars he has been left with – and warn there are more like him ready to take legal action over the surgery they bitterly regret.
His account raises serious questions about the safeguards in place at NHS gender clinics, which have seen a 1,700 per cent rise in referrals over the past ten years, accounted for mainly by children and young adults.
The speed at which Ritchie – who had been living as a woman called Abby – was diagnosed and subsequently referred for irreversible surgery is disturbing in itself.
In fact, he says, he had repeatedly turned down the procedure and had voiced deep misgivings to the clinic’s staff about having it.
Herron predicts that it won’t be long before thousands of people start looking to sue doctors that performed these dangerous and life altering surgeries.
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