Of the 50 most dangerous cities in the world, 11 of them are in the U.S.A. and they are all run by Democrats.
What a surprise, huh?
Three U.S. cities are in the top 20 of the Numbeo 2023 Crime Index list; including Baltimore (#15), Memphis (#18), and Detroit (#19). Naturally, Democrats lead each of these hell holes. Their mayors are Democrats Brandon Scott, Jim Strickland Jr., and Mike Dugan respectively.
Two more cities appear in the next ten, making fie U.S. cities in the top 03: Albuquerque (#23), where 45-year-old Tim Keller serves as the 30th mayor, and St. Louis (#27), where Tishaura Oneda Jones has served as mayor since 2021.
Another six U.S. cities are featured in the rest of the top 50 list.
New Orleans (#35), Oakland (#38), Milwaukee (#40), Chicago (#43), Philadelphia (#46), and Houston (#50). And like the previous ones, these are all run by Democrats.
As Just the News explains:
Numbeo’s report contains both a Crime Index, which is an estimation of overall levels of crime in a given city, and a Safety index. A city with a high safety index is considered very safe. A city with a high crime index is considered anything but. If a city’s crime levels are lower than 20, for instance, this is considered excellent. Crime levels between 20 and 40 are considered good; crime levels between 40 and 60 are moderate; crime levels between 60 and 80 are considered high. Finally, crime levels higher than 80 are considered dangerously high. The Safety Index, meanwhile, is ranked in the completely opposite way, with scores higher than 80 indicating that a city is very safe, and scores under 20 indicating that a city is borderline uninhabitable.
Meanwhile, not one city on the most dangerous list is run by a Republican.
It’s all just more evidence that Democrats are trying to turn the U.S.A. into a dangerous, third world country, one city at a time.
Democrats make every American everywhere unsafe.
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