This is the continuation of a previous article on the same subject, you can read the first installment here.
BIRTHER ISSUE. Obama started the birther issue himself with an autobiography in 1991. There were questions from the beginning of Obama’s campaign for president. Trump was willing to pay to find the birth certificate, and end the question. Upon getting a copy of the certificate, most speculation ended.
Sheriff Joe Aparrro of Maricopa County AZ. felt it was a well done forgery because of some inconsistent information. The sheriff and the Obama got into a fight over immigration. The birth issue was mute to me, but I would like to see Obama’s college transcript.
Last QUESTION. Trump refused to attack Hillary on Bill’s scandals in front of Chelsea.
Trump’s delivery was rough at times when he went on defense. He thought he had to stop the lies coming from Hillary.
With all the lies that Hillary has been caught in, and what she did to Sen. Sanders, it is hard to believe her.
Look to see if Trump can improve in the second and third debates. All the things wrong with Hillary can not be covered in ninety minutes. Do we want another president that will rule by executive order and keep information from congress?
Tags: Donald Trump
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