I believe the Lord allows His people to travel in stubbornness to bring them to their senses. He does not keep us from rebelling because He wants us to learn the consequences of our ways and sin. He uses these experiences to allow us to choose which path or life style we will continue following. He uses these experiences to usher us away from still greater sin, and to bring us to the end of our own stubbornness by replacing fear and ego with faith in Him. The people of Biblical Israel are fine examples of a “stiff-necked” people who regularly turned away from God’s goodness and mercy, His faithfulness and love, His provision, His friendship. We in America today are not any different.
Read the Words of the Lord in Psalm 81 v 11-14:
“But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devices. If my people would but listen to me, if Israel (America) would follow my ways, how quickly would I subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes.”
God is calling a Remnant. This Remnant shall listen, move, keep its’ counsel before the Lord of All, and shall submit (cooperate) to all of His ways. The Remnant, called by God’s Name, is now being assembled across this land for such a time as this. The forces of darkness and deception have worked their way into the highest offices in the land, but not one anywhere near as high as God’s Throne. Yet…these forces of darkness and deception have made great inroads, and have begun swinging their swords and hatchets of death intent on destroying the very Christian Foundations and unique construction of government this exceptional Nation was founded, and arguably for the first seventy years functioned under without dispute or division. Now we stand at a cross roads; we must decide all over again what type of country shall we be? Shall we again turn from our stubbornness unto God in who we claimed at one time to trust; or do we continue down the current pathway to certain destruction and repudiation of all our Founders established and presented to us as a gift? Wake-up America…wake-up!
Please take a look at the insight brought to you in the accompanying story:
WAKE-UP America…please wake-up! When a new President moves into the White House, they have the privilege of redecorating the Oval Office. They replace the drapes, the furniture and the custom rug. The budget for redecoration is $100,000. Since the rug is custom made, it usually takes about a year before the redecoration is complete. Obama’s redecoration took place in mid August of 2010 while he was on vacation. The rug has famous quotes sewn into the outer perimeter. The quotes are as follows: “The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself” The last quote is disturbing to the present regime, “welfare” means “communism.” But aside from the quotes, when Obama designed his Oval Office rug, he revealed a Dark Prophecy for America. Here is the rug; take a good look at it: Do you see it? Most likely, some of you may not, so let’s break it down comparing it to George W. Bush’s rug: Do you notice a difference? Here they are side by side.
According to the requirements established by Eisenhower in 1960 [1], the seal’s design should have a blue background consistent with the navy blue of the US flag: “The Color and Flag of the President of the United States shall consist of a dark line blue rectangular background of sizes and proportions to conform to military and naval custom.” Also according to the requirements, the stars are to be WHITE: “The whole surrounded by white stars arranged in the form of an annulet with one point of each star outward on the imaginary radiating center lines, the number of stars conforming to the number of stars in the union of the Flag of the United States…” Obama’s rug disregarded the blue background, and changed the colors of the stars to an almost black color! Why did he do this? Because it is a Dark Prophecy of America’s future. And Obama’s rug communicates that DARKNESS is the future for America. I find this very disturbing. But it gets worse. If you take a look at Obama’s Eagle. It is not an ordinary eagle. Here is side by side comparison of the Obama and Bush eagles: Bush’s bird looks like an eagle as the standard requires; but Obama’s eagle looks skinny. Why is this? It is because Obama’s rug does not have an eagle, it is a different bird… Here it is zoomed in… Do you see it folks? Obama has a Phoenix on his Presidential Seal! Obama had his rug installed in Mid – August of 2010. Several weeks later something interesting happened; while he was speaking, his Presidential Seal fell off of the podium. This was not an accident. It was God telling all of us that he had defiled the Presidential Seal on his Oval office rug. Ladies and Gentlemen, these things reveal that Obama’s assignment is to bring the darkness of chaos and fire to America. The plan is well underway and will not be stopped. The Phoenix represents destruction. The 2012 Olympics told us that it was coming and now here it is, banging on the door. Many horrible life changing events are approaching America. …War…a false flag…ISIS is at the gate sharpening their scimitars…the collapse of the Dollar, and more things too lengthy to mention. But I choose to speak to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see; faith to pray to the Lord of lords and King of kings, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, who still sits on the Throne of Heaven, and in front of which ALL things shall and do pass. Be aware of the times and seasons, be aware of the lion prowling ready to pounce and destroy, but keep yourself in submission to the Lord with your eyes on Him, for it is only He who shall guide and provide for His Remnant in the coming Season of Turmoil. A Fellow Bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ,
[1] 1960 Presidential Seal Design: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_of_the_President_of_the_United_States |
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