Any act that seeks to unseat a duly elected U.S. President and his administration, through illegal means, although it might not be intended to overthrow our republic, undermines our republic in the same manner of an attempted governmental overthrow, as “peaceful” as it may be. Since well before the election of 2016, the American people now know, there were a group of anti-Donald Trump statist progressive Obama bureaucratic holdovers working diligently and under Obama’s direction, to subvert President Trump’s campaign, and, then afterwards, his administration and his presidency, using sabotage and espionage tactics, because they were just so angry that he beat the criminal-minded and corrupt Hillary Clinton so handily. Their actions are nothing short of treason.
On Wednesday April 18th, Sara Carter, journalist extraordinaire, explosively divulged that Representative Ron DeSantis (R-Florida) and ten other Congressmen sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, U.S. Attorney John Huber and FBI Director Christopher Wray, which refers criminal charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, former FBI Director James Comey, and former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe for their involvement in the trumped up investigations into Trump and their known violations of federal law. Also named in this criminal referral were FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and his lover FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who made their anti-Trump bias well known in emails now in the hands of Inspector General Michael Horowitz.
Just as culpable and involved in this mess are former CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, who leaked classified information like a rusty radiator leaks water. One must wonder when they too, along with many other co-conspirators, will have criminal charges proffered against them.
It was James Clapper who orchestrated the leak, through FBI Director James Comey and his friend Columbia Professor Daniel Richman, that President Trump may have been compromised by the Russians. This is revealed through Comey’s own words in recently released memos. And according to the House Intelligence Committee, in early 2017, Clapper leaked the details of the high-level government briefings on the Steele Dossier to CNN and lied to Congress about it.
As the letter states: “It would appear that Director Comey leaked classified information when sharing these memos with professor Richman. Accordingly, we refer James Comey to DOJ for potential violation(s) of: 18 USC 641, 18 USC 793, and 18 USC 1924.” And all of this was done, by Comey’s own admission, to ensure the appointment of a Special Counsel in order to persistently harass President Trump, even though he was not guilty of any wrong doing or any Russian collusion.
Without going into great detail, it is sufficient to say that Loretta Lynch was referred for possibly prosecution for allegedly threatening with reprisal the former FBI informant who came forward regarding the corrupt and criminal dealings inside the Uranium One deal and Clinton’s “pay for play” scheme, through the Clinton Foundation, while Andrew McCabe is on the firing line for violating three different laws as he lied under oath repeatedly and numerous times to FBI and the Office of the Inspector General investigators.
The primary allegation against Hillary Clinton states that she disguised payments to Fusion GPS to obfuscate her involvement in manufacturing the false Steele Dossier, that would later be used to illegally acquire a FISA warrant to run surveillance on Donald Trump and his inner circle.The criminal referral notes that those payments potentially violate 52 USC 30121 and 52 USC 30101 requiring the mandatory disclosure of these payments to the Federal Election Commission. However, the lawmakers also made mention of the January 22nd Wall Street Journal article that detailed texts between Strzok and Page and suggesting the FBI “eliminated evidence that Mrs Clinton compromised high-level communications”. But Clinton is guilty of so much more, from Uranium One to Benghazi.
Foreign nationals are not supposed to influence our elections, but one should recall that Hillary’s campaign and the DNC, under her control, funneled $12 million dollars to the law firm of Perkins Coie, which paid Fusion GPS, and in turn, Fusion GPS hired Steele. Christopher Steele, former British MI-6 agent, was the only foreign influence on the 2016 election.
Since the presentation of false and unverified information from the Steele Dossier was the source cited before the FISA Court to obtain warrants for the surveillance of President Trump and one of his advisors, Carter Page, this too raised significant concerns. DeSantis and the others reference House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes’ letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions this March, as they recommended that charges be brought against “all DOJ and FBI personnel responsible for signing the Carter Page warrant application … for possible violations of 18 USC 242 and 18 USC 1505 and 1515b”.
While the letter spoke of “dissimilar degrees of zealousness” in the investigations into Clinton and Trump campaign associates, it went on to say, “we want to be sure that the potential violations of law outlined below are vetted appropriately”. Is there really any question that these criminals broke numerous U.S legal codes coming and going, with impunity and no fear of prosecution, thinking themselves untouchable?
During the following press release, DeSantis stated: “The political elite are not immune from the rule of law, and those in positions of high authority should be treated the same as any other American. If former officials, including Hillary Clinton and James Comey, broke the law then they need to be held accountable. We ask that the Department of Justice move swiftly to ensure that violations of federal statutes by high officials are identified and prosecuted.”
Much of where the nation goes from here hinges on the May 8th report from Inspector General Michael Horowitz. Hopefully, he too will see the great need for quick and earnest prosecution of these criminals.
Furthermore, all of this perfectly illustrates that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “investigation” is based on a lie. Now, although he has repeatedly and disingenuously stated that President Trump is not a target of the investigation, Mueller continues on by attacking any and all of the president’s closest aides and confidantes, dredging up several minor and unrelated “crimes”, as he attempts to force something to the surface that might implicate President Trump in a crime worthy of impeachment. It’s past time for this farce to come to a screeching halt, in the name of sanity and for our national security, as the President fries some bigger fish, like North Korea and Iran.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced last month he had assigned a federal prosecutor to investigate the broader issues in this mess, while rejecting the notion of appointing a second Special Counsel to investigate the investigators and to see just how far to the top this goes. The pressure must be kept on these criminals until we have found every last damn one of them and receive a full accounting of exactly who was involved, since it must be incomprehensible to any cogent and logical thinker that Barack Obama himself didn’t have a hand in this.
There have been about thirty trials for treason in the United States since 1789. America witnessed Mildred Gellars, an American broadcaster, and Robert Best, a journalist, convicted of treason after working for the Nazis to push their propaganda during WWII. The last people to be tried and executed for treason were Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, who were convicted of passing U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviets in 1953. What these amerikan fascists, such as Clinton, Lynch, Comey and McCabe, have just done is infinitely worse than anything any other traitor to America has perpetrated across our history, and as such, it demands a harsh penalty. Perhaps America may soon see real swift and sure justice done once more, if the rule of law still exists and if our Republic is to be saved.
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