President Trump is right yet again, and these NFL players SHOULD be fired immediately and the American population SHOULD boycott the NFL. These players are working for the same anti-America forces which were trying to destroy this country before President Trump was elected, and they are parroting lies.
Normally I am not one for name calling, and I used to call for unity in our country and hope that we could move past all of these leftist lies…but I am going to do some name calling throughout this article. Any American sticking up for these seditious football players need to do some actual research, and the fact that you pushing leftist lies and propaganda makes you an IDIOT, and a traitor to this country of ours.
This situation we are facing today is largely because the US Justice Department has not enforced the law in this country, 18 US Code Chapter 115 to be precise. The FCC has also allowed leftist lies and propaganda to be broadcast over our airwaves. This is not about expressing 1st amendment rights; it is about spreading leftist propaganda around this country on its most popular platforms, such as the NFL.
If you were well-researched, you would know about the “Smith-Mundt Act” and how that long-standing Act was implemented in 1948 to prevent the government from spreading propaganda throughout the US population and over US airwaves. You would also know that Barrack Hussein repealed this longstanding act in 2013 when he signed the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act. Buried inside of there, was the repeal of a law which prohibited the use of propaganda on the American population. These NFL protests are the spreading of leftist LIES and propaganda, NOT an expression of their 1st-Amendment rights!!!!!!!!!! There is a difference believe it or not, and until Barrack Hussein removed the ban on lying…this was well-known!
We continue to have leftist politicians who push these FAKE narratives on the American population, and it is destroying this country. These seditious politicians are encouraging people to play like victims, instead of being strong Americans who take care of themselves and improve their own communities. America was not designed to do your work for you…it was designed to give you the freedom to do the work on your own!!!
If you take the time to notice, NONE of these seditious NFL protesters are doing ANYTHING to improve the so-called racial injustice they are protesting against. Instead they take the route of a traitor and continue to push the same baseless claims on unsuspecting and un-researched portions of the population. Personally, my patience is DONE, and I have ZERO respect for those of you who stand opposed to this country of mine, which I fought for in combat! I take that National Anthem very seriously, and also have the up-most respect for our flag. I say again, these “protesters” are pushing propaganda, NOT expressing their 1st-Amendment rights.
Today, there are all sorts of MORONIC leftists talking about “Faux Patriotism” and “Forced Patriotism.” If this is the argument you have in response to everything going on…real Americans truly see you as a traitor to this nation, and a pusher of leftist lies and propaganda. You are the problem in this country, not the LIES about racial inequality you are pushing. Millions of Americans are loyal to and love this country, which is the definition of a patriot. It is YOU leftists who despise this country who are seemingly jealous that all of us Patriots have withstood the propaganda and brainwashing who are unpatriotic! Real Americans want to see their flag and their anthem respected, not pissed on by a bunch of millionaire rich kids who don’t know the FIRST THING about oppression.
- a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.
“Faux Patriotism?” Let’s talk about how these FAUX “protests!” The entire premise of them is entirely disproved when you go look at the actual statistics surrounding the issue of which these protests are based. The protests themselves are FAUX, and they are based on FAUX narratives and LIES! There are MANY different studies, which were largely performed by leftist organizations such as Harvard University and the ACLU, that entirely disprove this FAUX narrative and these FAUX protests. These leftist organizations are FORCED to admit that MORE WHITE PEOPLE are killed by police than black people, because that is the TRUTH of this entire matter. There is no argument to that. — The studies are publicly available, and here is a link to a Prager University, which shows the ACTUAL statistics:
So now you leftists have decided, as usual, that you are going to double-down on your lies and toss around baseless insults at true American Patriots who can actually see the truth. “Faux Patriotism?” — You have leftists have seemingly accepted the brainwashing by this massive psychological operation being played out against the American people. This is America, and you are supposed to be able to think for yourself. I recommend you start doing exactly that, before your authoritarian leftist leaders make it so that you can no longer have free-speech and the ability to access truthful information. Clearly you morons have no clue what you are supporting by pushing this propaganda.
Leftists are losing their sanity more and more each and every day. Go look at the ratings for the NFL over the past few weeks, and you will see that the NFL is already reeling from just a few protests on their football fields. Now, you are about to see just how large and powerful that the REAL Patriot movement and President Trump’s support base truly is throughout this country. The NFL, among other sports, will continue to decline and the stands of these stadiums will be less full. There is no one to blame here other than leftists pushing these lies, and the racist black-power movement in America.
People typically want to watch sports to distract them from the insanity we call “American Politics,” however, now sports are adopting the leftist propaganda and pushing it on the American population. They have been doing this for quite a few years before the most recent events have happened. The commercials are full of anti-America/ pro-Globalism and progressive left propaganda…and it is rather disgusting. Politics have NOTHING to do with sports, and NONE of you sports figures are oppressed in ANY way shape or form.
WE THE PEOPLE are sick of it!!! All of us REAL Patriots are taking this country back from you leftist Communist-wannabes and you simply can’t stand it. Frankly, if you didn’t come at the American population so hard with your FAUX protests and your FAUX narratives…you might have gotten away with it. Too bad for you that you morons showed your hand…and WE THE PEOPLE are not having it. Enjoy your Sunday today! I hope you start to see the truth at some point, maybe when a mass of people walk out of one of these stadiums you will begin to understand that YOU ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY…to quote your fearless radical Communist leader Barrack Hussein.
Do you duty as an American and seek the TRUTH, and it shall set you free. Continue to push your leftist lies and you are going to see the destruction of the progressive left’s political ideology in this country. Keep it up leftists…you are only destroying yourselves.
Michael Cost
SSG, US Army (Ret)
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