With Brian Stelter’s lie-filled show finally cancelled and gone, CNN’s new chief is warning the remaining woke employees that the purge of leftists is not quite over.
New CEO Chris Licht did nothing to ally the fears of leftist employees at all after purging Stelter and his corrupt staffers.
During his comments, Licht said that employees might not “understand” the changes that are coming, Axios reported.
“I want to acknowledge that this is a time of significant change, and I know that many of you are unsettled,” Licht said, during last Friday’s editorial meeting call. “There will be more changes, and you might not understand it or like it.”
One CNN staffer fretted, “No one is safe or secure right now.”
“I think people are legitimately sad that Brian is leaving,” another corrupt CNN employee said. “He was a big presence at the network — but understand that Chris has to put his stamp on the network.”
It is fantastic to see all these biased cretins fired, certainly. And it is admirable that Licht wants to return CNN to a news organization instead of a mouth piece for the Democrat Party.
But it would be foolish to assume that Licht is really a centrist nor that he will succeed in actually purging the network of leftists. We should not assume he will and we should be cautious about his efforts.
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