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I am Anger.

A black hole of rage Lost in Eternity.

God’s abandoned Child, who is abandoned only in my own tortured paranoia and delusion ___ Seething with the mortar of indignation, imprisoned within a prison of my own choosing.

The confluence of bitterness ferments my Soul.

I am the Product of Imagined Injustice, and Self-Servitude, and Greed.

I am the Void that tasted Love and Lost It Forever. Loathing Existence. Set adrift in my own Ocean of Hatred.

I am the End of Humanity and the Black Abyss of Certain Death.

I am the COLLECTIVE – the Hive – and the Universe Laughs at Me. I Am … Karl Marx __ I am Bernie Sanders and All Their Kith and Kin ___ I am Stalin Reborn ___ I am the New American Communist ___ a Plague Unto the World.



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