A new poll finds that 49 percent of Texas Hispanics oppose Joe Biden’s open borders and soft on illegals agenda.
The latest Dallas Morning News poll conducted between Jan. 18 and 25 found that only 38 percent of Texas Hispanics support Biden’s border agenda.
As Breitbart News noted, Biden has “invited at least 1.5 million migrants over the border and into Americans’ jobs, housing, schools, and communities.”
“What you see is a big, big [Latino] shift towards the Republican Party,” Mike Madrid, a known anti-Trumper, said. In a recent podcast, Madrid insisted that Hispanics’ drift towards the Republican Party is largely driven by Democrats’ indifference toward working Americans.
“There’s plenty of data to suggest that the real problem here is a policy problem,” Madrid said. “The Democrats are increasingly a party that is having trouble with working-class Americans because of a lot of the issues that they champion. They are viewed as the enemy of a lot of industries that provide for an $80,000 to $100,000-a-year job working in energy, working in the construction trades, working in all of these industries … It’s really that simple: ‘It’s the economy, stupid,’ right?”
Despite the clear shift, Neil Munro notes that some in the GOP establishment aren’t helping to grow that support:
However, the GOP’s establishment wing is resisting policy concessions towards the Latino votes, many of who are backing policies that will raise their wages. For example, the donor-funded GOP leaders are refusing to tout the huge pocketbook damage done to Americans by the bipartisan establishment’s economic policy of extraction migration. Since 1990, that policy has pulled millions of migrants from poor countries to serve Wall Street — and its progressive allies — as extra consumers, renters, and workers.
Still, the poll comes as good news to Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott, the Republican who is running for re-election. Even a slight advantage among Hispanics will surely help his campaign.
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Tags: Commentary elections Hispanics republicans Texas
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