Well. That’s it folks. MTV has finally done it.
The once great cultural icon has completed its dive into cultural irrelevance by embracing the currently hip but demonstrably evil sin of anti-white racism. A network that was once marked by inclusivity and and cutting edge cultural content has now proven itself to be behind the curve and happily part of the liberal, politically correct mainstream.
MTV recently released a video demagoguing white guys for the sin of being… white, it didn’t take long for the video to backfire and MTV to regret releasing it.
Then on Thursday morning, Crystal Wright, appeared on Fox & Friends and asked if MTV would ever tell black men to stop “killing each other.” (Of course they wouldn’t, because that would be racist.)
“More importantly, guys, would we ever see a New Year’s resolution produced by MTV telling black men to stop killing each other in inner cities like Chicago, stop impregnating black women to the tune of over 70%, marry black women. Will we ever see a video like that from MTV? No, because you know why? Because that would be racist…”
I would think that liberal networks like MTV would really give up this identity politics after Trump won the election and energized white voters, right, because this is really about the fact that white voters were tired of being told, especially white men, hey, you’re all racist. So they went out to the polls. They said, our white vote matters, our white jobs and families matter. Prosperity matters for us.
So I really think MTV really just — you know, they need to give it up. But more importantly, guys, would we ever see a New Year’s resolution produced by MTV telling black men to stop killing each other in inner cities like Chicago, stop impregnating black women to the tune of over 70%, marry black women. Will we ever see a video like that from MTV? No, because you know why? Because that would be racist.
I love you, but I’m an equal opportunity Christian. I was raised that color — it’s not about color. My parents raised me to make friends with people who were nice… They said, hey, white guys, you’re all racist, you’re all villains, you’re not family men. And, again, this goes back to they can’t get over the fact that, ‘Hey, MTV, hey all you other liberal networks, Trump is the president and he happens to be white.’ That doesn’t mean he’s bad.
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