A Democrat in Flint, Michigan, has been sentenced in a case of voter fraud after sabotaging. a ballot box in her own election in 2020.
Kathy Funk, a Democrat and former Flint Township Clerk, was convicted of breaking the seals on a ballot box in order to keep the votes in the box from being legally counted on Election Day.
Funk later issued an apology for her actions.
Per the Daily Wire:
“I’m sure there’s a segment of the population that thinks you should be locked up for calling into question the integrity of an election,” Judge Mark Latchana told her at her sentencing on Monday. “And if we had unlimited jail space, perhaps that’s true. But we don’t.”
After votes were cast in the 2020 primary election for her seat as township clerk, Funk sabotaged the ballot box, making the ballots ineligible for a recount, according to investigators. There was no recount, even though the township clerk won her primary election by just 79 votes. She went on to win the general election later that fall.
Funk told police that someone broke into the township hall where the ballots were kept and broke the seal on the ballot box. At her sentencing, the judge admonished her for her break-in theory, the AP reported.
Funk, 59, entered a no contest plea to the charges and was handed an 6-month sentence of house arrest and 24 months of supervision afterward.
‘I’m not sure how I feel about the sentence,” Flint Township Supervisor Karyn Miller said according to the AP. “But I am pleased that the judge made it crystal clear that this was her responsibility and she has to be accountable for it.”
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