Viola Davis gave a truly exceptional tribute to Meryl Streep, one of the most versatile and exceptional actors of our time. In accepting the honor bestowed upon her, Meryl Streep started out saying that “an actor’s only job is to enter the lives of people who are different from us”. She then ignored half of the country very different from her and the Hollywood elite. She demonstrated her inability to enter the lives of those who voted for Present-elect Trump, including some who were present at the Golden Globes. Maybe she meant that actors should empathize with people who are the same and not people who are different. Meryl Streep’s performance was a faux performance right from the beginning, pretending to loose her voice at the beginning of her diatribe.
“This instinct to humiliate” modeled by Meryl Streep “invites disrespect, violence incites violence. And when the powerful use their position to bully others, we all loose”. Meryl Streep chose to continue to divide this country and to disrespect the President of the US and the people of the entire country who elected him, whether she liked the results or not. Such a public display of her temper tantrum for not getting her own way is beneath her standing as a public figure, a person that pretends to empathize with those she disagrees with. She could have done much to unite the country but chose to vomit her personal feelings all over her fans.
Worse, she chose to regurgitate a “fake news” story about reporter Serge Kovaleski’s physical disability. Trump impersonated a groveling reporter changing his story under pressure of some Muslims celebrating 911, not for his disability. Meryl Streep’s faux “stunning” was not for the purpose of making the world a better place, but to defame and degrade another person, a person she disrespects. She is no better than the one she is trying to shame, and she is no better than one who makes fun of a disabled person. It is truly stunning to defame the president and the country he represents, and show that she is incapable of empathizing with the politically incorrect. She is obviously no Debbie Reynolds
On top of that, she said “We need the principled press to hold power to account, to call him on the carpet for every outrage. That’s why our founders enshrined the press and its freedoms in the Constitution.” Well Mrs. Streep, you are a very powerful person, how do you want to be called on the carpet, to be held accountable? “We have to remind each other of the privilege and the responsibility of the act of empathy.” Viola Davis said you make her proud to be an artist, and we all celebrate your artistry, But we don’t celebrate your bigotry and political blindness. You should listen to your own preaching.
In Florence Foster Jenkins, Hugh Grant plays the character St. Clair Bayfield, a person with many many flaws. In the end, the audience is persuaded that this character deserves empathy for his dedication and desire to help Jenkins live her goals and aspirations. At the very least, Meryl Streep should encourage our next president to fulfill his primary goal to make America great again, unless she doesn’t want America to be great. Whining will not help anyone, least of all Meryl Streep.
Tags: Donald Trump
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