I firmly believe ‘communication is King’! If only our leaders in Washington would follow our wishes as citizens, voters, and everyday-Americans. We want them to sit down at the same table, face to face, and express their thoughts and views, honestly and politely. Respect is the key to fruitful negotiations. And most importantly, leave “self” out of it. You are representing a vast number of people. “Yourself” and your Party must and should take a backseat.
By dividing yourselves into ‘Parties’, you are not accomplishing what our Constitution enables. Must you always be reminded that you represent your people (constituents)? Your shenanigans are becoming an embarrassment to America.
Your display of childish, dishonest, lying and selfish emotions, and behavior, not to mention the blatant hypocrisy, have become disturbing, unacceptable, and unforgiving.
Shut it down; wrap it up; and get on with the business of leadership in the greatest Nation and Society on this Planet. We have always set an example to other Societies, and the one you are putting forth this day is reprehensible.
Those Societies that depend on us to show the way, to help the needy, to build a stable future for the young, are watching us.
During the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in South Korea, I heard many times the phrase “….one World Order….”. I don’t completely agree. I would like to see “…one World OF order…”.
Our Planet is much too large for a single entity or Government. But several good neighbors able to bridge their differences and work together, would be ideal. And it is not un-attainable.
Yes, the World will always have those who are never satisfied; the lazy who would rather steal than work, rather express violence instead of voice, and ‘bully’ instead of help.
I feel that Socialism is akin to “one World order”. The Business form of Leadership (Capitalism) is, to me, the most acceptable when compared to Dictatorship, Socialism, Communism, or Fascism. It would alleviate the bureaucratic ladder of endless paper work, too many individuals in any one sector deciding, too many committees, and too many overlapping responsibilities. It is time to stop politicizing our Constitution.
I prefer: “… do your job, know your responsibilities, and go home at the end of the day knowing you gave it your best …”!
What is the biggest fear we all have? Could it be that of ‘being fired’? Perhaps we should not make it so easy for the Politicians to cover for each other. I understand the camaraderie, but not when an entire Society is looking for responsible leadership.
Pride would be so satisfying. Acclaim would be welcome; and many would be served.
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