One of the selling points of transgenderism is that the drugs used to block puberty for trans kids can just be ended and all will return to normal. But medical professionals are finally beginning to admit that this is not true. Puberty blockers cause permanent damage.
Transitioning kids is dangerous, permanent and leaves them unable to ever experience sexual pleasure. Not just in the short term, but over their entire lives.
These kids are not told this, either. They are not warned that the whole reason they are transitioning — to BE a woman or man — will be impossible despite the claims of the drug pushers and the surgeons.
Per The Blaze:
A growing number of medical professionals are questioning the safety and reversibility of puberty blockers when taken by young children, according to a recent analysis commissioned by the New York Times and released on Monday.
In the United States, an estimated 300,000 children between the ages of 13 and 17 identify as transgender. Reuters found that 15,000 children from the ages of 6 to 17 were diagnosed with gender dysphoria in 2017, compared to 42,000 in 2021.
The spike in adolescents diagnosed with gender dysphoria has led to increased use of puberty blocker medication.
Medical professionals in support of puberty blockers argue that the drugs positively impact children diagnosed with gender dysphoria who suffer from depression and anxiety.
These fake procedures are all lies. These kids are being fooled into thinking they will become happy by destroying their bodies in thrall to the transgender agenda.
It is sad that thousands of these children’s lives have been destroyed. Most don’t know it yet, sadly. But once they do, let’s hope the doctors and hospitals that have pushed these political agendas are sued into oblivion.
Until then, let’s hope more professionals speak out.
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