How disgusting! How utterly disgusting and unacceptable are the actions and words of our Legislative Body.
Not only our Founders, but our own personal forefathers, must be writhing in shame and utter disbelief over the state of affairs we have allowed to permeate our Nation.
The childish, selfish actions and words, of the Liberal Democratic Party members and their supporters; and the cowardice, selfish and arrogant actions of the Republican and Conservative Parties and their supporters, have become a total embarrassment to the “Silent Majority”; and we will no longer be silent. The United States of America has attained a new ‘low’, such as has not been seen in many a Century.
We, the Middle Class/Silent Majority, will continue to stand up for the Nation. The protesters are only accomplishing what they desire; violence and looting, hiding behind the guise of political activism. I am convinced that many of these so-called protesters are just of two ilks’; they are paid for their time, and accentuate their actions to impress their benefactors; and others use the crowd as a perfect shield and block to accomplish their thievery, looting and violence.
We are not going to stoop to their level and physically fight them in the streets. Defending ourselves when necessary is the only retort you will see. But we have warned the Legislators in D.C. that we are paying attention. We will have our say in the next elections coming this year, and the mid terms in 2018.
We will keep our word, and not elect the incumbent cowards nor their immediate opponents. The Liberal Democrats will prevail no longer, and the Republicans will see a new constituency that will insist on, and enforce, the American way of life.
We will put in office those Representatives that we trust will honestly keep our Democratic Republic, and continue to speak for the people. Once again the United States of America will be a Government ” … of the people, for the people, and by the people … “.
Our strength and our word will prevail. We will help the needy as our resources allow. Our Military will be there for the oppressed, again, as our resources allow.
If there be collateral damage, and injury and death as a result of any military action, those offended and involved, must realize and remember that “War is Hell!” The innocent sometimes will also pay the price of obliterating the guilty. Harsh words, yes, but it must be said and accepted.
Perhaps those running to the shores of America, should stay and fight for peace and Democracy in their home land. Running away solves nothing. That is how our Ancestors achieved this great Nation that we enjoy today. They did not run to another Country. They escaped the oppression and went to a land they thought was uninhabited. They worked and fought to attain peaceful coexistence with their new neighbors.
We cannot denounce their actions as we were not physically there to observe the actual. Just as we cannot pay for the displaced Indian Nations, we should not pay for the period of slavery. These times were long ago, and the resulting civilizations have tried to make amends while also building their own lives.
It is time for all to put the past where it belongs. Time to walk shoulder to shoulder for the future of our Nation and our children.
Sacrifice is sometimes necessary. We in America have lost many in building our own life, and aiding and assisting our neighbors and allies. Learn from our lessons. Build your country and rid yourselves of the vicious and selfish Dictators. We will help however we can; but we also must take care of ourselves so we may be there to help others.
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