The title of this article is actually a quote from Oliver Wendall Holmes, former Supreme Court Justice.
The Judge was a wise man and keen observer; his words hold great significance and are quite relevant today, as they speak to us at a time of this national dilemma we face in what seems the never ending battle of the sexes.
America is in the throes of an upheaval. There are major tax reform pending, republicans and democrats are at odds, the nation is divided and there’s civil unrest, a recalcitrant and inhumane communist regime threatens nuclear war, while delusional liberals threaten impeachment, terrorist attacks, young men and women away from home defending their country in distant lands, and the holiday season.
And while all this encumbers us, the American people must contend with living in the midst of an unparalleled sexual abuse scandal, the result of which I believe is a manifestation of the sexual revolution and its results, moral and social corruption.
There appears to have been an awakening in the form of an avalanche of sexual abuse and harassment allegations, and there doesn’t appear to be an end in sight. Women mostly, but in some cases men, from all age groups and demographics have come forward, and told their stories of abuse at the hands of Hollywood and business moguls, politicians, lawyers, journalists, television and radio commentators, members of the clergy and educators, just about every profession you can think of.
Victims encompass a broad spectrum of people, up until now mostly from the entertainment industry and media, but there are also others who have lead an ordinary existence, with abuse having cast a dark shadow cast over their lives. Recently Olympic gymnasts have come forward describing abuse at the hands of their coach. Abuse, whether sexual, physical or verbal- bullying-can have devastating effects on the victim; and depending on the severity, deserves the most severe of punishment under the law.
It seems no one is exempt, as each day another victim or victims come forward and reveal abuse of one sort or another that can span back decades in time. And any effort to stand up and assert ones innocence of the charge seems to fall on deaf ears, words alone will not suffice, in this case there will be no judge or jury of your peers to render a verdict, and with few exceptions your guilty until proven innocent, and that decision will be in the hands of the media, press and the people.
We should all by now understand what real sexual abuse is about, however there are degrees. It goes without saying that rape is by far an act beyond just sexual abuse; it is a forced violation that could result in STD, even death. This is an even more heinous act when pedophilia is involved and the victim is a child. Most experts will tell you that rape is more about exerting power over the victim. Touching certain body parts, lascivious words spoken, exposing ones genitalia to titillate oneself before an unsuspecting victim are perverted acts, but in the eyes of the law, unless the victim is underage, there is no crime.
Without going into the entire minutia and ever growing list of abusers and victims by naming names, I will explore and expand the discussion, and add another dimension to these sordid events. And for the record, it appears that a majority of the perpetrators are of a liberal persuasion.
Could there be repercussions in the aftermath, if it ever comes, of this national scandal. Could the preponderance of allegations, some valid others perhaps not, be the cause of a societal change of life altering magnitude. And could we arrive at a point somewhere down the road where men will have become so skittish and put off with any interaction with a female, unless between a husband and wife, that they will avoid all casual contact for fear of being accused of something.
What at one time might have been considered a simple compliment, or placing a hand on a shoulder in a gesture of gratitude or friendship, today could spell disaster and cause one to lose his or, rarely on occasion, her livelihood. Are we creating a monster here, a schism between males and females. Will pulling out a seat, holding a door, will chivalry suffer because men seem always to be suspect, and for this reason become hardened and no longer care. Unless an abuser admits wrong, perhaps we should all take a deep breath and carefully and objectively scrutinize any accusations of abuse.
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