The latest Rasmussen poll finds that a majority of respondents feel that inflation is destroying their income and making their wages worth far less.
The poll finds that 55 percent of full-time workers are worried that their salaries are worth far less under Joe Biden.
The poll continues to get worse. 40 percent say they have lost ground this year, 51 percent of full-time workers are saying they have had to work over time hours to keep up, but 47 percent said they have not been able to get extra work.
Further, 76 percent of those making less than $30,000 a year and 66 percent who make up to $50,000 say that their income has not kept up with inflation. On the other hand, 52 percent of those who make up to $100,000 a year and 74 percent who make up to $200,000 are doing OK.
Among all adults polled, 54 percent said they have a full-time job. 44 percent said they are not working full-time.
51percent of white voters, 65percent of black voters and 55 percent of non-black minorities indicated that they have a full-time job. Blacks and other non-black minorities who hold full-time positions are less likely than whites to indicate their income has kept up with inflation in the last two years. 47 percent of white voters, 58 percent of black voters, and 55 percent of non-black minorities reported working more hours or taking extra jobs to keep up with inflation.
Fifty-five percent of Democrat voters with full-time jobs indicated that their income has kept up with inflation, compared to 36 percent of Republican voters or 31percent of independent voters. Interestingly, Democrats were more likely to indicate they’ve worked additional hours or taken an extra job to help keep up with inflation.
Thirty-three percent of private sector workers and 55 percent of government employees noted that their incomes kept up with inflation over the last two years.
Joe Biden is destroying this country one paycheck at a time.
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