The elections are over and the new cabinet members are being seated at the table, albeit slowly in some cases. Elected officials are finding the mess they “inherited” and trying to decide what they need to do. Democrats are doing what they do best, obstructing everything contrary to their agendas. The Republicans, however, are handling this new session differently. The actual Conservatives are putting forth bills in support of the US Constitution. The Establishment Elite are taking a wait and see approach, which they will probably continue until the next election. The more liberal Republicans are taking a hard-line approach against the actions of President Donald Trump.
As I said before, the Democrats are mostly aligned with each other, depending on the shade of Socialism they prefer. The Republicans are more diverse, depending on how much to the left or right they are. Basically, the GOP is right in the center of the political spectrum, while the Democrats reside in the far, far left. Occasionally, a candidate runs a conservative campaign to the right of the Republicans, and wins as a Republican. Unfortunately, it’s rare. The Republicans have moved way left of conservative values. The Libertarian Party, which is supposed to be against big-government, wasn’t a very good option, since, this last Presidential election they decided to run Gary Johnson as their candidate, who wasn’t that far away from Hillary on several issues.
Of course, last year, there was Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party, who was on the ballot in 25 states and a recognized write-in in 22 more. Their National Platform is 31 pages long and reflects the original intent of the Founding Fathers of the Constitution. They wanted to return government to the states or the people ( you know, that 10th Amendment), fiscal responsibility and even mentions the Creator. I would have liked to have seen a bunch more publicity featuring the Party, but regardless, they earned my vote. They have the advantage of being established.
Now, there’s another Party that formed in January of this year; the Federalist Party. While the platform is still being completed, I love the way it starts; “Life. Freedom. Smaller Government”. Again, this Party is Constitution-based, with hopes of holding their candidates to the Constitution! I believe the Federalist Party is certainly worth watching. It would be fun to be in on the creation of the Party and watch as it grows into a great national Party.
Now, the obstacle in the roadway. In less that two years, the mid-term elections will be upon us. Most Conservatives have run as a Republican. Last year, my Congressional District, during the primary, had 17 Republicans running. Several were great Conservatives. With so many people running, things get watered down and a lot of good candidates go by the wayside. The elections of 2018 will be a great opportunity to strengthen either, or both, of these Parties. One thing is certain; the GOP has left Conservatives unrepresented and we need to coalesce behind strong Conservatives in local, state and national elections across the country. To do otherwise, guarantees more of the same!
Tags: Conservatives GOP
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