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“Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.” Michelle Obama, May 14, 2008 San Juan, Puerto Rico

The term ‘Bizarro’ is an informal expression used to describe a situation that is so contorted it requires a person to cock their head to one side, shake it and take another look. The works of M.C. Escher could definitely be called Bizarro for they visually defy all reason and logic. To look at them critically can be disturbing to the normal mind and cause seizures in others.

The world today looks more like an Escher drawing than reality. We have become Bizarro World, USA.


What confusing times we live in now. In one case, a white man wearing dreadlocks in the inner city constituted cause for a beating by four black men. The bold hairstyle was, to them, considered unacceptable “cultural appropriation”. The unwritten and ever changing liberal doctrine, does not allow for some people to incorporate diversity into their lives.

On the other side of the liberal coin, if you live in California, Arizona or Texas no matter what your race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or country of origin you must celebrate Cinco de Mayo by drinking tequila and eating tacos and nachos on May 5. Otherwise, you’re a racist. However, don’t wear a sombrero to a masquerade party on Halloween because the head wear depicts a negative stereotype of Mexicans.

No longer do military men and women have to conform to a dress code. Uniform is no longer uniform. Turbans, hijabs, beards, dreadlocks, cornrows and twists are now acceptable personal hairstyles and grooming modes while in service to the nation. Those personal displays are for religious and cultural accommodations. Tradition has changed. Wearing a Star of David or a cross in plain view remains verboten.

At the current rate, I fear that soon, learning to march in unison, to work together and as a team, will no longer be a part of the military regimen. Perhaps saluting (a sign of respect to superiors) will also be abandoned.

The system of rules and regulations, that is and maintains discipline within the military, is eroded. In the military ranks it is devastating. It is another aspect of Obama and his administration diminishing the superiority of our armed forces. Rapid and constant change only creates disruption and chaos.

I hope that when President-elect Trump says he wants to make America great again, he means to restore those values and traditions that contributed to our imperfect but admirable history. Blocking illegal immigration and expelling the criminal element is a start. Screening immigrants to allow those who can enhance the country with their intellect, education and knowledge along with those among the most needy and persecuted will benefit and empower all. It is the perfect second step to comprehensive immigration reform. Those are the traditions of our history that the recent miserable, Marxist, socialist First Couple have marred and destroyed.

There are ten  days remaining before a new administration can begin rebuilding the economy, creating jobs, restoring civility and common sense and well, generally righting the many contemptuous and destructive acts of the past eight years. Democrats in congress are ready to make the transition back to normalcy as miserable and rugged as possible.  They just don’t seem to comprehend that elections have consequences.  But that’s the way they demonstrate their compassion, inclusiveness, understanding and acceptance.

iPatriot Contributers


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