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Will the Wall be Built? 

The Trump team says construction on the Southern Border wall will commence in March of 2017. This is sure welcome news, and Louie Gohmert is thrilled with initiative of the Trump folks. But we’ve been down this road before.

Hillary a Fraud to the End!

A snapshot of a beaming Hillary Clinton was taken in the woods in Chappaqua, near the Clinton’s home. A woman just happened by and the two posed for a picture together. Innocent enough – but this is the Clintons, where everything they do is planned and staged.

Muslim Student Attacked by Trump Supporter? Nope.

In Louisiana, a poor, innocent little Muslim student was attacked by Trump supporters – beaten and robbed. The attackers, one wearing a Trump hat, stole her wallet and tore the hijab right off her head – taking that too. Tragic, isn’t it? Not really.


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