When I first started hearing about the “RESIST” movement I was not aware that it was a calculated and well organized part of the Democratic Party’s plan to carry out their agenda. It is obvious to me now that the “RESIST” movement heavily influences the Democrat’s daily “talking points” message.
It is also obvious to me now that the “Impeach Trump” campaigns are calculated, well organized and heavily funded. This is the second step in the Democrat’s plan to carry out their agenda right behind the “RESIST” movement.
If you take a good look at the “RESIST” movement and the “Impeach Trump” campaigns it becomes clear that the Democratic Party has become the face of the Left’s efforts to make America part of the “one world order”. It is also clear that the Left is prepared to take their two step “RESIST” and “Impeach” plan to whatever level it needs to do to achieve their goal of taking over America, and the Democrats, RINO Republicans, and MSM are eager to be part of this plan. Every time I see TV coverage of a Congressional hearing or see people like California Congressman Adam Schiff in front of TV cameras I have to ask myself repeatedly how the Democrats could be so unreasonable and predictable. The answer to that question is that they have become nothing more than puppets for the Left, who are obsessed with their personal desire for money and power and see the Left’s agenda as a way to get both.
The November 6, 2018 elections will be the next major battle between the Left and those of us who want America to be “great again”. The Left is totally focused on strengthening their influence in the “Washington Cesspool” on that day and is prepared to go to any length necessary to accomplish that goal. We cannot let that happen!
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