The “Desperation Mode” is obvious every time I turn on the TV or open up my internet. Everything that I see and hear convinces me that the Democrats, RINO Republicans and the MSM are willing to say and do anything as they desperately try to destroy the Trump Presidency. They are obviously aware that the November 6, 2018 elections could be THE ELECTIONS that will determine the future of America, and the rest of the world!
Here are a few examples of how irrational and openly dishonest the “Washington Cesspool” and their supporters have become:
- A 79 year old man who said he was a Holocaust survivor made a public statement that “America under Trump feels like Berlin in 1929 and 1930”. When I did the math I noted that this man was not born until nine or ten years after 1929 or 1930? I wonder how this man could describe how Berlin felt in those years as if he had personally experienced it. In spite of this obvious “discrepancy” three different media outlets published articles quoting this man! In addition to the “discrepancy” the quote itself was not only reprehensible, it could not be more WRONG! The Trump Administration is reducing regulations at a record pace, which is the opposite of what a Communist/Socialist administration would be doing.
- The Democrats, with the eager assistance of the MSM and the “Obamaites” still embedded in every government agency, are determined to convince everyone in America that the recent tax cuts will bankrupt America by the end of 2019. They are using this message to try to convince voters to come to the polls on November 6 and vote them into control of Congress so they can repeal the tax cuts. Again they are WRONG! The American economy is getting stronger every month which means more companies and people will be paying more taxes, which will increase federal revenue even with lower tax rates.
- The Democrats and the MSM are literally flooding the air waves and internet with “expert analysis” of how many seats the Republicans are going to lose on November 6 in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. The obvious goal of this effort is to totally drown out anyone who does not believe that is going to happen.
- When I opened my internet browser this morning one of the top articles in my feed was about the “Republicans have given up on keeping a majority in the House on November 6 and are focusing all their money and efforts on trying to keep control of the Senate”. This is way out there even for the MSM. This is obviously another desperate effort to try and influence voter turnout on November 6.
- The Democrats, with the help of the MSM are loudly talking about their plans to impeach President Trump as soon as they take over Congress in January. This is in spite of the fact that there has NOT been a single shred of evidence produced by anyone to confirm any Trump campaign Russia collusion. If there was any actual collusion I am certain there would have been some evidence of it made public by now!
If you look at and listen to what is actually happening in America the “Washington Cesspool” has good reason to be worried about its future. Here is what is really happening:
- The American economy is getting better every month as a result of the Trump Administration’s actions.
- Other countries are responding positively to President Trump’s effort to make America stronger. North Korea is willing to at least talk about its nukes, South Korea agreed to a new trade agreement that is more favorable to America and even China and Mexico have indicated they will work with America on some better trade deals, just to name a few.
- The Democratic Party is tearing itself apart from within! There is a four day conference in Washington this week. The attendees call themselves the “Resistance Warriors”. They are all hard left, devoted Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren supporters. Their platform calls for single payer (government) healthcare, $15 minimum wage, Tuition free college, national Pre K for all children and other total Socialist programs.
If the Democrats do get control of Congress on November 6 America as we have known it will cease to exist. We must not sit down and be quite. We must make our voices heard and vote in every election, especially on November 6, 2018!
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