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Is America’s second civil war imminent?

I wrote last week about president Trump’s masterful efforts to move America forward with COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform. The President promised, during a White House bi-partisan, bi-Carmel (both House and Senate members) meeting that he would sign any reasonable, bi partisan COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform bill they put on his desk. Unfortunately that goal does not fit in with the Democrats’ refusal to give up on their obsession with “fundamentally changing America” to make it part of a “one world order”. The Democrat’s reaction to the President’s promise has now become all-out war on the Trump Presidency! And, as expected the RINO Republicans and MSM are rushing to “sign up” on the Democrat’s side of the war.

As defined by President Trump, bi-partisan COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform must include a DACA fix, funding for strengthening border security, and changes to our immigration laws regarding merit based immigration versus our current lottery and chain immigration policies. President Trump promised he would sign any bi-partisan bill they put on his desk if it included these reasonable components. As I watched the meeting on live TV it was obvious that the Democrats in the meeting were shocked when President Trump made that promise. This was one more confirmation for me that the Democrats have every intention of doing anything but what the President wants in their efforts to destroy this President and the America he is trying to save. The Democrats’ agenda includes a “by any means necessary policy” to achieve their objectives. Based on the Democrat’s, RINO Republican’s and MSM’s actions after the meeting, I was right.

Instead of working on a reasonable COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform bill as noted above this is what happened:

  • RINO Graham and Dick Durban immediately “concocted” a proposed DACA bill that was only what the Democrats wanted, and immediately tried to go through a “back door” to get President Trump to agree to it. I repeat, this was not a bi-partisan COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform bill. It was a ridiculous and disgusting attempt to get only what the Democrats wanted without addressing any of the other issues that need to be addressed immediately. There was absolutely no chance this was going to work. However, when it failed miserably RINO Graham loudly and publicly blamed the failure on “someone on the White House staff convincing President Trump to chance his position at the last minute”. In one impromptu press conference RINO Graham even said that this was an indication that the President was unstable on his positon on various issues!
  • Dick Durban, with RINO Graham’s help started a ridiculous and unprecedented attack on President Trump claiming that he is a total racist. Democrats, RINO Republicans and the MSM are making sure this dominates every news cycle and congressional hearing. The first Congressional hearing where this happened was a Senate hearing with DHS Secretary, Kristjen Nielsen regarding what Congress needed to do to strengthen border security, which is a necessary part of COMPREHENSIVE immigration reform. The Secretary was an absolute professional in every way while every Democrat on the committee was an embarrassment to the title U.S. Senator! If you did not watch the hearing look up her response to Cory Booker. He insisted on continually focusing on President Trump being a total racist, and his, all for the TV cameras, response to her was a disgusting attack!
  • Democrats and RINO Republicans are taking every opportunity, including speeches from the Senate floor, to publicly rant about the alleged President’s failures and him being unstable, with the eager assistance of the MSM. The White House Press Corp took this to an extreme when they spent a never before seen 56 minutes grilling the White House Dr. about the detailed results of the President’s recent physical. This included many questions that were deliberate efforts to openly question the results of the President’s physical and sanity! The press was especially horrified when the Dr. stated unequivocally that, “the President’s physical results indicate that he could serve out the remainder of this term and the next one if he chooses to run again”.
  • The Democrats have added a new line to their daily “talking points” memo. It is,“everything good that happened during President Trump’s first year was a result of everything Obama did in his eight years in office”!

All this confirms my beliefs that we are about to enter an all-out war for the future of America. I also believe that the Democrats, RINO Republicans and MSM see the November elections as their last chance to “fundamentally change America” and are afraid they may not win (although they would NEVER admit this). We must stay vigilant and active if we want America to be great again!

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