As I watched the news and read various internet articles over the last few days I could not avoid wondering if America can be saved from the Left?
Is the Left’s open hatred for America and their corruption so deeply embedded in our Government that America cannot survive? I say this even after the recent news about a number of high ranking DOJ and FBI officials being demoted for displaying open support for Hillary and open hatred for President Trump, I want to place emphasis on the word “demoted”, they were not fired!
Here are some examples of the Left’s hatred for Trump and their corruption in our government that recently became public:
- Peter Strzok was a ranking FBI agent involved in Hillary’s emailgate investigation. He is the person who changed the wording in Comey’s written report closing the investigation into Hillary’s mishandling of State Department communications.. He changed the language from “grossly negligent” to “extremely carless” which eliminated a key word that would have made her actions more prosecutable.
- Strzok was also assigned to Mueller’s investigation into alleged Trump staff Russia collusion involving the November Presidential election. He was dropped from this investigation after an internal FBI probe revealed over 10,000 text messages he exchanged with his “girlfriend” that were disgusting on many levels and, I believe Un-American to the point of being treasonous in some instances. He even went so far as to say that if Trump somehow got elected he had an “alternate” plan to prevent him from serving. Strzok actually referenced the plan that ”his girlfriend” mentioned when they were discussing the election in “Andy’s Office”. Strzok’s “girlfriend is Lisa Page who is also an FBI agent,
- The “Andy” Strzok referred to is Andrew McCabe the acting FBI director after Comey was fired. McCabe’s wife ran an unsuccessful campaign for a Virginia state senate seat using over $500,000 of campaign funding provided by Terry McAuliffe, a ranking member of the Clinton “political machine”. McCabe was also heavily involved in the Clinton emailgate investigation.
- Bruce G. Ohr was a ranking DOJ official who actually held two different DOJ positions at the same time. He was removed from the top ranked position recently when it was revealed that he had been involved with the “Fusion GPS” group and his wife actually worked for the group. “Fusion GPS” is the group that created the false Trump Russia collision dossier, which was largely funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. The FBI, during Obama’s last months in office actually used parts of this dossier to convince a FISA judge to issue a warrant allowing them to wiretap Trump staff members. The Obama Administration staff who asked for the warrant were ranking DOJ and FBI lawyers. They had to make three trips to the FISA court before they found a judge who would give them what they wanted.
As I watched the Congressional hearing on December 13 where Assistant AG Rosenstein was supposed to be briefing the committee on the status of the Mueller Russia collusion investigation, I got so disgusted with the Democrats on the committee that I had to turn the TV off. While I watched and listened to the hearing I did not hear a single Democrat use their time to do anything except attack President Trump and his supporters.
Based on my observations the only thing that was accomplished in that hearing was a public display of just how deep the Left’s hatred is for President Trump and his supporters who desire to “make America Great again”.
The time I spent watching this hearing is what solidified my concerns about the future of America and made me wonder if the people noted above, who were demoted, not fired, were nothing more than temporary “sacrificial lambs”?
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