No strangers to treachery and betrayal, the Jewish people of Israel were betrayed once more on December 23rd, 2016 by a hostile United Nations and a 14-0 Security Council vote on Resolution 2334, that malevolently states the Wailing Wall, Israel’s holiest site, is illegal in international law. This betrayal was only possible due to President Obama’s anti-semitic and anti-Israel policies based on lies and false assumptions and premises, along with his orders to have the U.S. abstain from the vote. And now, the Jewish people’s fierce life and death struggle for the survival of their nation has a new sense of urgency unseen since May 14th, 1948 and Ben Gurion’s declaration of independence for the sovereign Jewish State of Israel.
Many Americans were already well aware of Obama’s anti-Israel sentiments, from the days he pushed Israel to retreat to pre-1967 borders, which are completely indefensible and would have ensured Israel’s death as a nation. He now has attempted to rebuke Israel for building settlements on land it has a historical and a legal right to possess and keep in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Obama, who assured the world in 2009 that he “had Israel’s back”, has just plunged the knife of betrayal deep into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s back and Israel’s heart.
Read Genesis 15, Genesis 26 and Genesis 28 and God’s promise to Abraham that is reiterated in Dueteronomy 1:8, stating: “See, I have set the land before You; go in and possess the land which the Lord swore to your fathers — to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — to give to them and their descendants after them.”
Since 638 AD, the Muslims have been considered invaders and usurpers by the Jews of Jerusalem and Israel, because this area was never completely abandoned by the Jews, nor did they relinquish their sovereign rights that were given them by God. The Dome of the Rock Islamic mosque sits atop the Jews’ Temple Mount, thought to be the site of the Temple built by King Solomon; and, the Wailing Wall [Western Wall], just below the Dome of the Rock, has been the single most sacred place in the Jewish world, the last relic of the Temple built by King Herod in the first century AD. And yet, the United Nations declared Jerusalem an “international zone” in 1947.
It’s bad enough that half the land provided for the Jews under the Balfour Treaty of 1917 was given to the so-called “palestinians”/Arabs to create the nation of Jordan in 1922, but even worse, the UN voted to partition the remaining territory between a Jewish Israel and an Arab/Muslim Palestine in November of 1947, creating the “two state solution”. This two state solution is marked by 70 years of failure, because the Islamofascist “palestinians” refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state in the middle of a predominantly Islamic region, and Palestinian propaganda has never stopped depicting “Palestine” as all of the territory between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River.
The Israeli Defense Force reclaimed and annexed Jerusalem and the Old City from Jordan after Israel was attacked in 1967 by the surrounding Islamic nations during the Six Day War. But even so, the areas of Jerusalem Secretary of State John Kerry called “occupied” during his unhinged speech a few days after Obama’s 11th hour betrayal of Israel, including the Wailing Wall and Jewish sectors, were acknowledged to belong to Israel in the 1949 Armistice Agreement.
The only “occupiers” are the Muslim Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank — Muslims masquerading as the mythical “palestinians” who were unknown prior to 1948 and are a creation of Israel’s enemies. Look to Shechem on the West Bank, a biblical city sacred to the Jews and associated with Jacob and Joshua, and one finds a city renamed Nablus controlled by Muslims.
John Kerry’s unconscionable, detestable and wretched December 28th speech maligned Israel for its settlements in Jerusalem and the West Bank. Kerry used the terms “settlements” and “settlers” 62 times in 72 minutes, and he mentioned “terrorism” only 14 times. He failed to mention that the Palestinian government is a tripartite government controlled by Islamic Jihad, Fatah and Hamas — all terrorist groups — who have launched deadly suicide bombings and tens of thousands of rockets against Israel over the decades, wounding approximately 602 and killing 42 Israelis in just this past year.
One has only to review Israeli former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s 2008 offer to the Palestinians to throw light on the lie in Kerry’s assertion that the Palestinians simply seek peace and their own homeland. Olmert offered 94 percent of Judea and Samaria plus another 6 percent of Israel and a link to the Gaza Strip, withdrawal from East Jerusalem’s “Arab” neighborhoods [read “Muslim”] and the placement of the Old City under international control. Palestinian PM Mahmoud Abbas rejected it all.
The “palestinians”/Muslims attack the Israelis because they hate them. They indoctrinate their children to hate and kill Jews, and the destruction of Israel is a main point in Hamas’s charter and in their holy book, the Koran. And at its root, this is a religious war waged by Muslims who seek a world where Jews no longer exist.
Obama has emboldened the terrorists and those who de-legitimize Israel at every turn, showing his true colors, as he prepares to leave office standing beside Israel’s sworn enemies. Even more troubling, the Israelis claim to have irrefutable evidence that Obama led the charge on preparing this despicable UN Resolution 2334.
Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer stated: “What is outrageous is that the United States was actually behind [Resolution 2334]. … it was a very sad day and a really shameful chapter in U.S.-Israel relations … We have clear evidence of it.”
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) angrily denounced the failure to veto the resolution, calling it “frustrating, disappointing and confounding”. Schumer said, “The UN has been a fervently anti-Israel body since the days [it said] ‘Zionism is racism’ and that fervor has never diminished.”
United Nations Resolution 2334 shows Israel it can never really trust any nation for its security, and it reminds them of the certainty that the Islamofascist “palestinians” will never accept Israel within any boundaries, just as the Yom Kippur War in October 1973 reminded them that they were surrounded by enemies dedicated to their destruction. This, in conjunction with thousands of past Palestinian orchestrated acts of terrorism and ongoing violence, will surely move PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel’s Knesset to annex the West Bank and Gaza, repudiate the Oslo Accords and pursue a one state solution and the expulsion of all Palestinians and non-citizen Arabs, in defiance of the United Nations: The Palestinians are to Jews what darkness is to light.
“Every Jew comes to Eretz Yisrael, every tree that is planted in the soil of Israel, every soldier added to the army of Israel, constitutes another spiritual stage, literally; another stage in the process of redemption.”
— Rabbi Zvi Yehuda
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