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Wednesday, August 12, 2017

local grocery store , Israel

19 year old. Palestinian. Terrorist. Hacked employee with knife.

UN nowhere to be seen


Friday, July 13, 2018

local grocery store, California

Four men. Turbans. Dressed in white. Packing knives.

Security Guard nowhere to be seen


On Friday, my daughter and I reminded ourselves not to be “xenophobic” as these men followed us around the store, one of whom repeatedly patted his knife.

I prayed, “Please God, keep us safe, and it would be really great if there were folks in here who availed themselves of the rights found in the second amendment. ”

Kinda sounds like fake news huh ?  But it’s not.

When we got home, I called the manager of the grocery store who’s name I will not presently divulge as he promised that he “cared “, had contacted Corporate and would try to get back to me on Monday.

(True story)

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