British police entered the Ecuadorian embassy in London this morning (4/11) around 10 a.m. London time and arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange for extradition to the US on espionage charges.
The arrest came when Assange’s supporters were not outside the embassy. Julian Assange is now in the hands of the same British government that has persecuted and tortured Tommy Robinson. (It looks that though Germany lost WWII, the NAZI’s won.)
Assange was dragged out of the embassy by London police, but still managed to make a statement to the world; he was holding for all to see a copy of Gore Vidal’s History of the Security State.
Former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, who initially granted Assange asylum in 2012, called the arrest a crime that “humanity will never forgive”.
I find it unbelievable that this arrest could have occurred without the knowledge and consent of President Trump; a man who most probably would not be President without the “treason” of Julian Assange spilling the beans on H. Clinton et al through WikiLeaks.
Bravely done Mr. President!
When an action by the Trump administration is applauded by the likes of MSNBC you know that something is seriously wrong. (On the other hand, the ACLU – that was silent on Tommy Robinson – is supporting Assange – go figure)
I hope for and expect world-wide denunciation by those who value truth and freedom of this travesty of justice. The repeated assertions that “No one is above the law” is a farce. No one who is not powerful is above the law: see Obama, Clintons (take your pick), Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Smollett etc., etc, etc.
So far this morning Trump is silent, Q is silent, all is quiet on the Western Front.
How in Hell does President Trump expect to maintain support among much of his base by prosecuting, and persecuting, Julian Assange, while a host of other US world-class criminals skate?!
As soon as Julian Assange is on US territory President Trump must pardon him.
There’s no point contacting your useless Congressman or Senator about this, but emailing President Trump just might do some good.
I know, we don’t have all the facts. But we will never have all the facts. If we wait for all of the facts we will never take any action. An inescapable aspect of the human condition is to make decisions in the face of incomplete information; for not to act is also a decision.
Denunciation is beginning to pour in from around the world. Keep it coming.
This is Brother Bob, shooting from the hip.
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